Sunday, August 15, 2004

Thank God I'm Glad I made It

Thank God, I'm Glad I Made It *divasoul's pick of the week* "Dedicated to Natasha"

I heard your pleading cry,
the confusion of your days
and the lines you step across
while in your foggy haze.

I too heard the drum beat.
That damn noise up in my head;
frightening delusions point me
to where I must be led.

But, through all that noise
a sweet and steady sound
came pulsating through
even with all the hell around.

Love thy self! LOVE THY SELF,
was the whisper that was heard
till finally it became a "SHOUT"
and a life saving word.

My uncertainty slowed
then all the fantasy faded.
Now, I yell to the top of my voice

Note: Natasha is a young woman whom I counseled from the ravages of a serious drug habit who has successfully kicked that hell aside and is now a student who helps others do the same. I am proud of her.

Del Cano

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent!  Even without the note I would say it again...Excellent!
