Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Serenity Of Spring

Oh, blossoms of sweet scented thought;
As I stand amidst this brilliance
Of Spring, you burst from the hide
A tempting foray of luscious hues.
The blue jay tweeting its’ song
While the robin pulls on the worm
And more life rises from the garden
Anew, with a touch from the creator.

I stand in awe focused on the rose,
The violets, tulips, pansies and lilies
All massaging the soul to a crescendo.
Its’ orchestrations, the “epitome of serenity”,
Sing a peaceful fulfillment of passion’s desire.
And as I stand here leaning on my rake;
debris from winter’s nap surrounds and helps
me welcome the Serenity of Spring!

2004 Del Cano 2004


Monday, February 21, 2005

Back To Youth


the silk of your skin
forever tells the truth
heartbeats, like yesterdays,
tingles me back to youth

vapors from the storm
created from within
clamors for relief
as you touch my skin


the rising tide mixed
with ever growing lust
excruciating desire
wanting you, a must

the shortness of breath
with its panting sort of tune
sings notes to the song
a capella duet coming soon


each increasing wave
tossing sensuality's feast
a salad of ecstasies mixed
served for reveries increase

murmurring chants
bodies flailing thresh
praying to the gods
of burning heaving flesh


in sensation's grip
violent pulsation
wears to a calm
of pleasant sedation

flashing moments
blinding starry lights
scale the heavens of
true passions delight


of all the needy whims
lust paid the fee and toll
worshipping the idol of you
buried within the soul


the silk of your skin
forever tells the truth
heartbeats, like yesterdays,
tingles me back to youth

Del Cano 2005 Febraury




Sunday, February 20, 2005

Stirrings Of The Pleasant Kind

Oh, what a calming spirit
a sense of peace in the air.
Such gentleness abiding
as I stepped within there.

Each poem touched
huddled in a group hug
gathered in rapture
all so serenely snug.

Momentarily stunned
at the disorder I saw.
Could only stare for a bit
then rubbed my jaw.

What power arose
still lingering in the air.
Ahh, evidence drifting
a single strand of hair.

Wafting scents erupted
seemingly headed higher.
Got cha, could only be
a lovely visit from Naia.

As I smiled in approval
poems resumed their place
but it took a little while
grins still on their face.

Tho order be restored
I'm asked questions and such,
"when might she return
we all enjoyed her so much."

So, dear lady, I
invite you to be our guest
feel free to return, anytime
at all of our request.

Del Cano 2005 February

from Naia

Beautiful poem you've written, Spencer, and
so I offer this back to you, and to let you know
how blessed I am to see the you within.

I stumbled in by accident
and found this majick dwelling . . .

the love and warmth contained within
your open arms, compelling.

You honored me, though I didn't know
until last night's revealing . . .

that you'd read my words and seen my art
somehow it seems appealing.

And now you've shared with me, in turn,
the light that shines within . . .

by inviting me to view your soul
thus setting me to spin.

You write in ways most intimate
your words a fervent song . . .

I'm blessed to know the fire within
yes, nothing's right, nor wrong.

Too many squelch their deep desires
'tis such a tragic thing . . .

to turn cold shoulder to a mate
can hurt with such a sting.

The answers are there to plainly see
so clear from the very start . . .

Enter not this world of bliss
by holding back your heart.

Naia 2005






Midnight Overture

Like the sigh of the moon
two are lifted up and flew
to the place lovers reach
vacant, except for the two.

Oblivious in any setting
even in a large crowd;
passion slithering undercover
to them screams out loud.

The intimacy of the cafe
belies what sharing can endure.
Lovers in their passionate cloak
play thru a "Midnight Overture".


Love No More

The tragic fading of love
the dragging time to wait
till pain drifts to the hither
and time does not hesitate.

Never give up on love
it lives within our core
till scars of healing have set
we often say, "Love No More".

Del Cano 2005 February

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Throw My Hands Up In Joy

I throw my hands up in joy
shout with pleasures galore
my heart gets so full with you
as if it'll burst with any more.

It feels so righteously good
tingling all thru my flesh
I shudder with ecstatic yearns
the idea of how we mesh.

I do no less than wither
like a flower needing water.
Takes not more than a thought
you are my lustful starter.

Throw my hands up in joy
shout with pleasures galore
my heart gets so full with you
as if it'll burst with any more.

Del Cano 2005 January

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Serenity To My Soul

Serenity chinks my soul
as you touch my heart
Ecstatic murmurings
hang like a burst of art.

Vaporized sensualness
strains the erotic walls.
Limitless out pourings
like cascading waterfalls.

Pleasure beyond borders
explode loud and bold.
Your awesome presence
is serenity to my soul.

Del Cano 2005 February



If I Wrote Of You

If I wrote of you
each time a thought arrived
I'd see the reality
the coyness you contrive.

If I jotted down
your every beaming smile
would need lots of ink
it would take quite a while.

But surely we'd both
know the full meaning.
How friendship grows
like sunbeams gleaming.

If I wrote of us
from the point of the start
it would become apparent;

entanglements of the heart.

Del Cano 2005 February



Night arrives as a cloak
covering each idle detail
leaving daylight's memory
bundled like the mail

transferring to serenity
nightfall calls out the stars
and remedies the ailments
caused by daylight scars

Massage precious thoughts
night time does for certain
and strips away the angst
as it raises its starry curtain.
Del Cano 2005 February


Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I can see us
hand in hand
feet caressed
by the sand.
Waters lap
as waves
kiss and clap.
The edge of
a caress
what seems
scenes from
a dream.
I awake,
for goodness

Del Cano 2005 February


Damn, I feel renewed
as if touched by a light.
Your words radiated
like the sun at midnight.
Like maybe a sip
of chilled champaign
or easing into the sauna
to soak the body's pain.

I feel such elation
you were just so kind.
Wouldn't it be great
if life had a rewind.

We could revisit
play it over and over.
Drive the senses
thru fields of clover.

So glad to know
I'm still in your heart
and remain special
which is the best part.

Feel much better now
not as bad as it seemed
and treasure the thought
we'll revisit in a dream.

Damn, I feel renewed
as if touched by a light
am smiling radiantly
you made it alright.

Del Cano 2005 February



Sunday, February 13, 2005

We Chat At Midnight

We chat at midnight
bout nothin much
yet her presence
is a golden touch.

words not said
speak a loud roar
as if I can see her
slipping in my door

Talking bout the world
such a wonderful tease
just enough to let us know
the chats are a please

We shared cooking
a lesson was just right
made it much easier
to make it thru the night

two lonely souls
chattin for a while
sharing soft words
as well as a smile

So love the touches
she brings to my mind
like a hot cup of tea
sweet and sublime .

She offers comfort
in an off handed way
I give her the same
be it an easier day.

Chattin at midnight
bout nothing much
holding out hopes of joy
with its tender touch.

Del Cano 2005


Yearning Ache

The power of the yearn
comes thru as a soft yell
yet due to the searing burn
its not very hard to tell.

I too share the aches
when I am left right here
crave her touch's quake
her kisses sloppy smear.

I am but a mold she cast
formed in the image of desire
love vapors rise to last
she sets my soul on fire.

Del Cano 2005 February

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Beyond The Limits

reach for all there is to get
then stretch for that last drop
they keep telling me of the limits
my illusion is beyond the stop

whatever I do I do with vigor
refuse to treat it like a test
why waste any of the effort
if you're not giving your best

the very thought of leaving
any part of joy on the table
reeks of mediocrity or worse
to imply that I am not able

don't ask me how I can love
and keep passion fires high
if you don't give your all
you already know the why

the same goes for pleasing
that special one of mine
always make a yeoman effort
being the best time after time

take not a thing forgranted
if feelings start falling to a rut
renew, redo what ever it takes
to revive the love in the hut

sharing is one of the greatest
excercises you can do
to keep a loved one close
have that love return to you

stretch, reach, be proactive
don't sit and wallow in pity
they could have chosen another
someone else for them in the city

I'm so proud she chose me
to be the one to love and cherish
and I will go beyond the limits
making sure love won't perish  

Del Cano 2005 February

Sunday, February 6, 2005

Can You Hear Me Now

Can you hear me now
trying to make it clear
in shouting out the words
to make sure you hear

Know I crave you lots
in a very special way
you radiate little tingles
send them out each day.

I catch and save them
hug them to my soul
so when I start longing
they warm me from the cold

The thrills I seek
or the yearns I crave
stored in a hidden place
knowing they will be saved

Can you hear me now
am I clear enough to hear
did I let you really know
I sure wish you were here.

Del Cano 2005 February


What Could I Write

In a way we are hucksters
hawking ideas and feelings
we sell the way it is or
just maybe the peelings

oft times we reach farther
and touch on a soft spot
or splain how we have stuff
just like the others got

But maybe in the selling
we reach emotions hidden
and cause some to stir
where it used to be forbidden

and promote some love
or even a caring touch
on someone whose been
lacking it... bout that much

You could ask a few questions
maybe shed a bit of light
and be the answer when
they ask, "What Could I Write".
In response to poem of the same name by dpg3(Doug)

Del Cano 2005 February

Saturday, February 5, 2005

Everyday Valentine

Let's hope love is not limited
to the month of February
just focused on Valentine's Day
like some lovers obituary

If one loves show it all year
make each day a thrill
let them know you're true
and live it like it's real

Whats a dozen roses
or a box of candied sweets
if your heart fails to say
you're my everyday treats

Recall important dates
anniversaries, birthdays too
will bring out the best
and return more love to you

I say show your love daily
not just on Valentine's Day
let them know you love them
then treat them just that way.

Del Cano 2005 February


Bout Them Footprints

Lets see if I make a change
in the way you see a print
a stranger shouldn't stay
lest we know from where sent

but if given proper time
a new face may glow the dark
you learn to scan the footprints
perhaps even make a spark

when the stranger is known
should not they be called a friend
and share anthologies in pages
like a journal to make them blend

then, there's no will to go
but stands firm in the mind
the footprints then become
of the most loving kind.

In response to the poem
"The Passing of A Stranger-
Footprints in The Mind"
by Mercy Grace

Del Cano 2005 February




Thursday, February 3, 2005

Something Ain't Right

Something ain't right
strolled down the street
felt eyes peeping in awe
folks trying to be discreet

Ole dude past middle age
pants on down his tale
singing a hip hop tune
all I could do was wail

Hmm, something ain't right

On past one of the churches
gospel birds smelling up a storm
preacher steps out of a Hummer
with fine baby girl on his arm

My vision locked fully
two dudes fighting in the street
some folks laughing and pointing
jumping and shuffling their feet

I know something ain't right

Can't find a soul to speak
language I can even decipher
just too many peeps being slick
not enough paying the piper

Little girl on the corner
waving, offering a chance
to date this ole man real good
with some of her romance

Something sho ain't right

Spite all the preaching
seems not enough are hearing
children gone a muck as bad as
grown folks just appearing

Don't know how our heads
got so far out of line or base
so bad sometimes I see
no one can look you in the face

Something ain't right for real

Medicaid won't pay for digestive aids
but Viagra is now tops on the list
does that mean we should not eat
but can wallow in sexual bliss?

We need more folks to stop
living on the edge of life
put some real energy into living
too much stress and strife

Know damn well something's wrong
at the gas station things are funny
lady told me to call her Good Bitch
while dude is arguing bout "MY" money

Something Ain't't Right

A few kids working hard in school
chastised and harassed to the hilt
by a group of young fools
talking bout the blood they spilt

Buying clothes made by folks
giving a damn less bout your thing
other than selling you their goods
to show off your balls and the bling

Where are the real mamas
full of collared greens and corn bread
whipping up sweets with a wooden spoon
smack you bout something you said

And daddies, there's more to being
a father than grinning bout what you did
telling kids bout how you fooled the rent man
by stepping in the closet and staying hid

What the hell is going on near my street
grown ups sucking on chemical pipes
kids wilder than any I thought could be
needing some guidance of other types

Something sho ain't right
peeps walking the streets all night
boom boxes in cars a blast
hope this crap don't last.

Cause something sho ain't right

Del Cano 2005 February

Oh Death, Rock Me To Sleep

Oh death, rock me to sleep.
Slip in and take me away.
While I rest in slumber's cloak
let me go in the night of day.

I have lived thru the rumble
much of life's turmoil and strife.
The edge of this human yolk
I find cuts sharp as a knife.

Oh death, I need no banner
to state my departure's near.
I danced and yelled my way
thru life's fray found right here.

Oh death, rock me to sleep
massage my memory's quest.
When its time for your visit
no announcement by request.

Perhaps you might show
as I sit on the porch in nap
round midnight in moon glow
or having a late night cap.

Please don't catch me
while daylight shones its glow.
I wish my enemies to recieve
their final glancing blow.

Oh death, rock me to sleep.
Do slip in and take me away.
While resting in slumber's cloak
make sure its the night of the day.

Del Cano 2005 February

If I Were Your Lover

If I were your lover
you might be a porcelain doll
to be touched tenderly
treated in grand style

If I were your lover
I'd never forget to say
sweet words of compliments
then treat you just that way

Being your lover
brings lovely thoughts to mind
such soothing images
of the most striking kind

No matter the day
you'd be tops on my list
not only upon leaving
but returning with a kiss

If I were your lover
I'd praise the time with you
and thank my lucky stars
that you love me too.

Del Cano 2005 February

You Always Appear

Between sessions of cleaning both
snow and ice from my walk ways
and the wearing of passions yoke
I squeeze you in the start of my days.

Between the coffee or the tea
perhaps the eggs sunny side up
have a sense of your presence
each time I sip from the cup 

Between the shower and shave
or even the application of lotion
so help me you are in the room
without a fleeting notion.

Your smile is mingled
thru every task I perform
and at times I feel you like
in the comfort of your arms.

Not many moments pass
that you do not appear
as my days tick on by
can still feel you here.

And when I lay me down
to sleep the night away
I know when I awake
you'll give me a better day.

Del Cano 2005 February

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

What Is Done Is Done

We cannot undo the pain
known to linger strong
righteousness always faulters
no matter who was wrong

Unwavering fear staggers
as we search for inner peace
yet the power of the pain
holds a long term lease

A heartfelt battle rages
not a soul can say they won
thru lies laughter escaped
"What Is Done Is Done"

Del Cano 2005 February

On My Way

On My Way
[In Response to Dawn's "Where Are You My Love"]
O, love
you ask where I am. 
I have been sailing the seas
of love
thru cravings
for your touch
for your breath  on my face,
for the spark you light
when your lips invade the yearnings
of my soul.
I have been watching  for
the imaginary
light house window
just to catch a glimps
to see if you are waiting for me.
From that watch tower of dreams
I see your image boldly
yet wonder if you are needing me
needing me to touch your ache.
I yearn so much wear the scent of your hair tingle from your fingertips shudder in the whisper of your breath erupt in the explosion of our lust ride the tides of love you launch
abiding in the warmth of your heart.
O love, light my way to you.
I dream you are peeping from the cold
glass of the watch tower window
begging me home.
Wishing me home to you.
Where are you my love?
Are you waiting for me?
Are you yearning for my return?
Will you be the answers
to the dream I have fostered
for so long?
Will you cloak me in your love
and satiate the fibers of all of me.
Will you massage the pinings
which drive me towards you.
Where are you my love?
Hold steady in my dreams
and meet my soul at the
window of my mind and 
I shall be home to you.
Del Cano 2005 January 

Raising The Price

We too often forget
while yet a flag is waved
that people are the ones
fighting for what is saved

In our shallow cheers
we sing a song of praise 
we forget in each war
the cost gets raised.

Del Cano 2005 February
Inspired by "Yellow Ribbon" by Cusick- Maggie

Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Nature Alone

Our eyes have a similar heart
as well our noses not far apart
breathes nature's lovely scent
from a river as we both went

Majesty right before our eyes
staunchly guarding the prize
whispering a magical song
as is "nature left on its' own".

Del Cano 2005 February

Inspired by "Nature,,,,Alone" by Patricia :)

Cleansing Tears

Thru the prisms of light
are filtered a yearning
tears of wanting
for the sunrays burning

Matters not the route
or which way they go
the tears of cleansing
run like a "Riverflow".

Inspired by  "Riverflow" written by Jantanleo.

Del Cano 2005 February