Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Kiss Me/Sway Me-A Collab

Oh, please kiss me

even tho you find me not

That kiss can be handled

with the love you've got


Please hold me 'bout the shoulders

and sway me through the night.

You know the way I like your touch,

strong and sure, yet light.


Kiss me in the wind

for the breeze carry

all the intent and passion

as I stare and tarry.


Permit me, dear, to savor

the softness of your breath

floating past my eyelashes

as I sway in your caress.


Close your eyes to kiss

so we can meet in the clear

Dawn is unfolding right now

bringing your kiss right here.


How can fantasy be so real?

I've asked you this before.

Don't answer now, my darling,

let's dream, just a little more.



Del Cano 2006 October

Naia, October 2006



Wednesday, October 25, 2006

She Sets Me On Fire

Her presence is the match
torching embers of desire.
Her touch, a flaming storm
igniting to raging fire.

She explodes me to heat
the kind I never knew.
The way noon time sun
bakes you thru and thru.

When she presses to me
my body goes insane.
Most powerful hotsauce
running thru my veins.

The cravings she raises
makes sensualness a low.
Nothing compares to the storm
like a volcano 'bout to blow.

Passions fired to a blast
lust beyond words condition.
She excites the most powerful
in any sexual position.

Moments spent with her
drives sensuality higher.
Absolutely, beyond a doubt
she sets my body on fire.

Del Cano 2006 October

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I Want

I want to be the breeze
that caresses your face
the kiss on your lips
leaving not a trace.
I want to be the heartbeat
pumping deep inside
A sail boat on the waves
of your ocean tide.
I want to be the breath
you inhale each day.
Your sweat glands dripping
when you get that way.
I want to be the blanket
entangled with you at night.
The warmth you need
when cold air takes a bite.
I want to be in your skin
massaging every inch.
To kiss you weak
when love takes its pinch.
Del Cano 2006 October

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I Shed Tomorrow's Tears

I shed tomorrow's tears today
ready for the pain yet to come
knowing how life has gone awry
letting them drip out for some.

I shed tomorrow's tears right now
for how my country fades from grace
Mistaken leaders tell bold lies
with shallow grins upon their face.

I shed tears which will certainly be
a flood for what is down the road.
Resulting from troubled times
we are living with a liars code.

Time to stop this madness
corral this runaway facade
Created in greed's mighty lust
leading liars have made.

I shed tomorrow's tears today
allow them to drip free and clear.
Keep trying to wake up the masses
while chaos grows freely here.

Del Cano 2006 October




Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sometimes I Write In Beige

When I am tired and weary
sometimes I write in beige
when the write is over
I then turn the page.

When things get down
like sometimes they do
I just keep on writing
tho the outcome is in blue.

I might write in a bright shade
perhaps a deep hardy red
or even a blazing green
but you'll know what I said.

I can't hide my emotions
colors show the inner feel.
No matter the rainbow choice
what you get is always real.

Del Cano 2006 October

Saturday, October 7, 2006


Sick twisted folks talking
protecting a predatory pedophile
with all they can muster.
Had enough, yet?
By the way
did I say these are our leaders.
Let me say it again
these are our elected officials
who make our laws,
spend our money,
send our youth to wars.
Many have closed ranks
showing their putrid disdain
for you and I and their position,
the United States Congress.
Had enough yet?
Ahh, and did you hear what our president said?
"I have all the faith and
support in the Speaker of the House.
He only wants to protect the pages."
Ah, Mr. President, he had the info
for months or maybe years and did nothing.
But you want me to sit here believing
you have my best interest at heart.
What I am hearing in the space between
your words is you want me to shut up
and sit down.
The Republican lead Congress is
going to make it all right for me. 
Had enough yet?
Where is the loud outcry from the
morale majority who wants me to
follow their drumbeat?
Why am I hearing comparisons
to Clinton and Lewinsky?
Praying on underage children
is no comparison.
Are you telling me to protect
the Republican majority
is more important to you than
protecting our childen?
Del Cano 2006 October

Demons Squeezing Me

The walls seem to close in
squeezing my breath away
Mornings, tho pleasant
are a mark of another day.
So many demons loom
treacherously jabbing
Piercing my soul
as if they were stabbing.
Day after day the come
each with a different goal
All have their special traits
they play a painful role.
As I turn away from one
another jumps in my face
charging directly at me
as if there was a race.
The walls seem menacing
a giant slow moving vise.
Inching steadily closer
freezing my soul like ice.
Tho I might make it out the door
there are responsibilities afoot.
I can't abandon the demons nor walls
they are part of this painful root.
Never thought life was fair
nor believed it ever to be
yet, I can't seem to get past
these troubles attacking me.
A continuous flow of venom
a part of my daily mental bread.
Struggling never eases
while these walls squeeze my head.
Del Cano 2006 October

Thursday, October 5, 2006

The Puzzle of Parenting

I rarely publish anything other than poetry but an article by Rebecca at her journal "Shadow of the Iris" moved me to respond to it with more words than allowed in the comment section. "The Puzzle of Parent"


There is nothing simple bout parenting. My daughters, now 32 and 35, are jewels to me and are still as close as when they were children. Tho I worked to get ahead they remained an integral part of my life with schedules arranged to include parent teachers meetings and other activities which were important to them. What I learned from the time they were babies was that all woman are not mother/parent people. I had grown up with the understanding that all woman, especially those who had children had some sort of innate gene which made them mothers and parents. I was sorely wrong. I found in their mother a person who never should have had children. Once the joy of having the birth over with I discovered in her a sense of being cramped or interrupted. She had no basic overwhelming joy in playing with our children or being freely a parent. I was the one who crawled on the floor with them. Played in the leaves and walked in the park with them. She missed the absolute thrill of "feeling" many milestones such as first steps and first words and was often too easy to allow anyone else to be in the place I felt she, their mom, should be. I don't actually believe it was any outward dislike but more a "lack" of whatever there is which is natural to parents towards their children. She just didn't have it inside her.
How does this relate to emotionally and/or physically absentee fathers? I don't know but I wonder if many dads are missing that parenting gene or whatever is inside "real parents" towards their children. Could it be that overwhelming feeling that children are for a woman's world. Beginning with pregnancy the woman is the star of the show. When the child is born they are the star of the show and this subordinate feeling carries on in some men till they do not "feel" important in the relationship which includes children. I am saying I do not know but I do recall friends who experienced deep feelings of lost while Mom and baby were in a world of their own. I have seen situations where the man is, in fact, closed out of participation with the babies.
No parent should act as only a biological contribution to the birth of a child but a full loving participant in that baby's life. The gene must have been within me cause I was always an elated emotionally driven father who participated in my daughter's lives. They did then and still do come to me as a confidant and parent and are only now developing a real relationship with their Mom. How a man or woman, for that matter, can dissect himself from his children's lives I have not the slightest understanding.
Especially if the couple has split up seems to me it would be easier for him to step up to the plate to close any potential gaps in his children's lives. But then maybe in my idealistic parenting world of belief many haven't reached that level of natural love and responsibility. From my point of view I can't imagine not wanting to be there with and for my children letting them know in certain terms their dad loves them and deems them most important.
Rebecca, I have no real answers for you but do feel the sadness and wonderment you shared in your article.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Loathsome Passion

At first I chuckled at your sneer
then realized your loathsome passion
as if you cannot understand love
you chase it like deer in heated fashion.

Your sneers tell your emptiness
or can it be just a jealous phase
not understanding my devotion to her
nor any of my supportive ways.

Your true darkness showed brightly
when you stalked me near the trash
Using your best come on to woo me
just lit my weariness like a flash.

You struggle to even wave pleasantly
while I get she and her wheel chair loaded
The lack of charity in your face
has been locked and duly noted.

A damn neighbor watching my every move
you must wear spots on the shades
Trying to catch me alone to speak
your actions are like sharpened blades.

Just cause she is not as healthy as you
doesn't make her any less appealing
No expression you can flash at me
could possibly send my heart to reeling.

You killed the simplest of the goose
in your trifling disgusting fashion
Supposing you could lure me your way
with not an ounce of compassion.

Lady, stay hidden in your lair
turn your head when I step out;
to reduce your bitter demeanor
when she and I go about.

Del Cano 2006 September