Saturday, November 27, 2004

Uttered In Heavenly Voice

I can see the bold letters
streaming cross the skies
and the brilliance you show
as I look thru your eyes.

I can't challenge those
of lesser meanings or darkness
for all I now know of is the
presence of love's sparkness.

My mind can't resume what
it once used to know about
but I can say today, happiness
provides the basis for a shout.

So even if you come with me
I realize the truth exist in us
and nothing might be changed
though we scream, shout or fuss.

I can still see the banners float
high up in heaven's skies
and all the lovely splendor
focused deep within our eyes.

Any thing but what we have
would only be a foolish choice
secret lakes of her splendors
"utter'd in heavenly voice!"

DelCano,2004, July 18


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaks of happiness given
thru sight without touch
a yearning in this write
and I am loving this much!

Hugs & Blessings,