Friday, November 26, 2004

Finished With The Lie

Have you ever been lied to
I mean creatively outstanding
the kind of lie which strikes out
is overpowering and demanding.

Now try this on for size
you love someone totally
they confess they feel the same
but they act anecdotally.

I allow it and blame myself
I lived with the lie because
I wanted her and I needed her
included no escape clause.

I stretched with the truth
amazing though it was
even a little bit of her
gave me my just cause 

Lately she crossed the line
the lie became too farfetched
even my desire could not
allow for it to be so stretched

The chasm grew too wide
the abyss dark and deep
the lie more outlandish
no way I could see to keep

All the love in the world
can't hide from a pure lie
the type which grows on its own
seems to take wings and fly

I could live with a bit of it
even a tall tale to boot
but hey yaw'll, this monster
is making me get up and scoot

Her loving is worth a lie
her sensuality amazes me still
but as I realized the truth of it
lost it. No longer had the will.

It takes a hell of a person
to take your heart and twist it
while telling you all about her love
willing to write about it and list it

Love?  a misdemeaner at the least
lust a more punishable crime
but I have no regrets at all
I had such a wonderful time

Now, don't get me wrong
I hurt and I mean real bad
but being one to deal with it all
I tend to taper it to just sad.

I am not going to allow
her to drag my heart around
and run at her beckon call
nor do a dance like a clown.

Being one who loves deeply
I tend to allow me to cry
and will no longer tolerate
living with this damn lie.

Del Cano 2004 November 24


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