Friday, October 8, 2004

Dealing With Life

As you question how life works

The days keep clicking on by

It matters not your contribution

In the end you’ll surely die.


So why not live it to the highest

And put your mark on it each day

Whether you live good or bad

We all end up the same way.


We must work to help us live

And  then go out and play a bit

But if we stand on the sidelines

You have nothing to show of it.


When adversity engulfs you

Don’t give up from the pain

When you think it may be over

Just make a new start again.


As you live and make plans

There’s happiness and some strife

But you cannot quit and give up

For you must face the nature of life.


Del Cano 2003  March 6 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Message to someone?  If so, you have the right of it.  Well done, my friend!
