Sunday, September 12, 2004

Come Out And Play

The playground's bare
not a soul wants to play
busy watching TV
on this crisp lovely day.

Lets romp around a bit
sniff lavender in the air
lets play hop scotch
if I promise to be fair.

Come out and play
I need your child like wit
as pure as a mother's milk
let's run, jump, laugh a bit.

Get on the see saw
I'll lift you up way high
or ride the maypole
like sailing in the sky.

Let's romp around, enjoy
the memories in style
reach back to our youth
and play for a little while.

Come out and play for a while
let your heart relax, unfurl
so we can revisit the times
I was a boy and you a girl.

The entire playground
empty to my melancholy view
a stage set for creations
with pleasant thoughts of you.

Del Cano 2004 September


Anonymous said...

Sweet Pea you are
so cute, so real
with those rounded cheeks
to pinch til you squeal

If I were to run
and play as a child
with you as a partner
old life would be considered mild

Wild child I was
climbing trees in bare feet
swimming in the river
deep in summer heat

No hopscotch for me
or even jumping rope
nature was my playground
no time I had to mope

So if you were
to play with me
hand in hand we'd soar
swinging high in trees.


Anonymous said...

what a little cutie you are/were, spence!!  can i pinch yer cheeks?  i promise, i'll be gentle ;)  such a sweet and playful poem,
this is!!  just catching up on reading you, my dearest ... you make the heart
go pitter patter ...

Anonymous said...

what a little cutie you are/were, spence!!  can i pinch yer cheeks?  i promise, i'll be gentle ;)  such a sweet and playful poem,
this is!!  just catching up on reading you, my dearest ... you make the heart
go pitter patter ...
