Saturday, September 11, 2004

A Flower In My Life

Perhaps I should call you bud

a blooming which keeps coming

A gifted garden's passion glow

a touch which goes to numbing.


You never fail to open brightly

blossoms of sweet tonal fife.

Your garden's fruit is outstanding

it has become "A Flower in My Life".

Del Cano 2004 September



Anonymous said...

Blossoming under
such wonderful praise
how could a flower not
bloom day after day?

Seen as if golden
the sweeten bud glows
'tis all the gardener's doing
as if you didn't know

That gardener pulls
the weeds that would choke
so this blossoming beauty
would grow and not croak

The patience and love
that this gardener gives
encourages the blossom
to be fruitful and live....

Just my response
to your beauteous prose
you are so loving and giving
as everyone knows....


Anonymous said...


Liked this metaphor you used.. flowers have a lot to say to us.. nicely done friend!
