Monday, June 21, 2004

O Love

O precious one! Dost thou know
your presence is the reason I am?
You are the answer my soul craved
when plunged deeply in abyss;
Shadowing emptiness and pain
from the darkest of hours, though
mine eyes be blinded, my heart
saw the tiniest twinkle in the distance;

And as I began to believe, thou had not
forsaken me, the light grew well-ordered;
O, my beloved, you, the light of my soul,
burst forward from the miniscule twinkle
to a magnificent shower of stars.
As you, "an instrument of rhapsody",
ever cloaked in the sweetest of song,
and lay before me, ev'r more inviting;

Your presence ravishes, long vanished day
the deepest of my senses and singing
a song which mellows more each time
Your kisses pluck strings, never exhaustless
and You, my deep ocean of love, hath save me;
I can do no less than utter these murmurings
perhaps shout, O LOVE! sweet foliage exulted

Might we, hand in hand, dance and twirl,
before the heavens, singing of the joy!
And spread love to every corner of all worlds,
prepared to fly, following the moon?



Anonymous said...

Spencer, I have read them all to this point, and I have to there a real life lady that is lucky enough to know these?  Are you inspired by love ?  Or are you just that talented all by yourself?  Amazing!  I would buy this as a book.  C.

Anonymous said...

You have taken my breath away,
your words so filled with truth.
Under the passion felt I begin to sway,
slowly reaching out to you,
knowing that it I forever shall feel this way.