Thursday, August 18, 2005

Group Write-My Life As I Knew It

Group Write On Same topic

Hello Journal Land. Seems its time to do another group write like we did twice before. It brought a lot of writers out of our closets and helped with new interaction within Journal Land. This time the topic to write on is:


Again this topic will be open for 2 weeks. Ending on Sept. 1

Looking forward to your lovely words and all that creativity.  Post your poem in your journal and place a link here so all can share and see your heart.

Blessings to all


My entry to the group write:

My Life As I Knew It

Birds tweeting at the squirrels
squirrels who won't eat a nut.
Crows raising hell at the dog
my cat peeping from her hut.

Sipping coffee on the porch
daybreak creeping its slow pace.
My brief morning meditation
puts nature's joy on my face.

Creative juices inside
brew at a startling rate
Enhaling life's moments
passion's rising to sate.

Off to face the world
a long days work ahead.
So much to write about
to keep my muse well fed.

Frantic call from a neighbor
"your house is on fire"
storms of emotions rose
angst and haunting ire.

EMS, lots of firetrucks
firemen all over in and out.
Heart was so relieved
Judy is ok, she got out.

House looked like a BBQ Pit
smoke raging from every spot.
Engulfingmy senses totally
everything might be gone, we got.

Were are the cats, the dog
did the fish live thru the heat.
Is the fridge ok, the stove
can I cook something to eat?

A myriad of shallow questions
dangled thru my mind's eye.
Words wouldn't come out
nothing more than a muffled cry.

Startling fact before me
what all did we loose
had we decided to toss things
would those be what we choose.

Now, three weeks later
many inspections and views.
Judy, who is a my brother's,
as I toss out what can't be used. 

Camping out, slightly burned shack
boiling water on the turkey frier
painful but I have, as always,
refused to allow it to raise my ire. 

I know beyond a doubt
could yell out to life, "screw it".
Faith inside tells me, soon
it will return: "My LIfe As I Knew It."

Del Cano 2005 Aug  




Anonymous said...

Here's Tina's jewel. she emailed last night. Sorry, I crashed last night. Was emotinally and physically drained.

Filling Memories

Slinking to the past
It seams a mystery
The places I cursed aloud
Now seam so dear to me.

Supposing memories fail
And life makes up it's past
The bad times fade away
And good times come so fast.

That seams a fairy tale
But that's my view on this
I'll gladly forget the bad
And gather up the bliss.

All paths in life are different
And no ones end the same
Good Memories I'd like to have
At the end and when I came.

By Tina Nelson  August 17, 2005 Copyrighted

Anonymous said...


I look over the immeasurable expanse of the gulf, beholding its grace,

never taking for granted its magic and mysteries.

Wading into vast Waters of Time, captivated by warm foam,

there is no time to fear undertows, the illusive perils.

I have loved these waters, perhaps since before birth,

the phosphorescent waves pinnacled with unblemished hope.

I frame this image, never to forget the purity, beauty, and peace.

These waters are the response to my every emotion,

the shores where love entered my life

and beaches where I found healing when love was gone.

Kissing the graciousness of the waters, touching its white pearls,

I know the magic will remain until the end of time,

when the angels will whisper my name,

and I will make my final flight from this star-gleamed shore.


Anonymous said... < Here's my entry.

Anonymous said...

My Life As I Knew It

Looking into the clouds below,
I see a life I used to know.

There she is, living on earth,
warming herself by the hearth.
Alone, she sits in silent stare
while rocking in her favorite chair.

Thoughts fill her mind
with memories of the loving kind.
Her children's wings took flight,
memories hold her in the night.

Mistakes.  Big ones, small ones,
none of which she'd change, no not one!
The flower of wisdom bloomed beautiful,
her sighs are contented, her life is full.

Her eyes continue to stare,
seeing things unseemingly there.

Love.  More than blessings untold,
as scenes in her mind unfold.
Her first child down to the last,
oh, the time just went too fast.

Loss.  More than she thought she could bear,
but her God promised He wouldn't do that to her.
So, she took up her cross and followed Him,
trusting He'd fill her life to the brim.

Sleep.  She closes her eyes in sleep,
rock a byed by memories so sweet.
Her journey's yet just begun,
her memories will live on.

I sigh and close my eyes,
to life as I knew it
and said "Goodbye".


Anonymous said...

this one will be a hard topic for me.....

I'll give it a try after a few days of pondering.

Anonymous said...

Here's mine Spencer.  TY ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

Final Edition!! thanks for the topic Spencer...

Anonymous said...

idiotic tendencies,
insane lies,
sorrow and pain,
all said goodbye.

times of despair,
a soul lost,
with no hope of repair,
found serenity.

emotional torture,
paranoias of old,
all left behind,
as a new chapter of my life undfolds.

times of despair,
a worn soul
with no hope of repair
was this how life was meant to be?

a child,
a tiny seed,
its so strange
how someone so small can do such a great deed.

i was a mess,
my life was a wreck,
but i found salvage,
all my old troubles left.

for the tiniest
yet greatest little miracle grew strong in me,
my children saved me
from the beast that was me.

i found new reasons to fret,
but along with those,
also came greater happiness
than i had ever known.

So, to my babies
i will be eternally grateful,
for making me finally see
just how wonderful
life can truly be.

my life as i knew it
was gone,
and i would no longer sit
and pray for the time when i could just move on.

Anonymous said...

I realized that I did not post under the right entry...