Sunday, August 14, 2005

Certainly I Would

I would like you
no matter what
sharing a mansion
or a simple hut
the way of you
a lovely view
no matter what.
see, I stumbled
on you, my dear
while looking
every place but here
searching every corner
you,  a soul warmer
smiling luciously
stabbed and speared
till now I love you
more than can say
no explanations
for devotion this way
in you, a fascination
as much my salvation
in building heavens nest
loving more each day.
would you? you ask
still love me if you spilt
all worldly facts
before love was built?
The answer remains
I certainy would
loving you as strong
as one possibly could
finding you is the best
been favorably blessed
you ask, "could you"
answer, certainly I would.
Del Cano 2005 Aug





Anonymous said...

As always, you sing beautiful love songs.  

Anonymous said...

This is so dear and exactly how I feel about love and is intrinsic, undeniable, unfathomable, and everlasting. A little off the subject, Spencer, It is time to sign up or enter your voice in your own journal to celebrate the Second Aol J-Land Annivoicery
If every one who is participating would leave a link below. it will be the greatest gift in the world....Hearing your voice for the first time reciting your favorite entry.
If you are shy you can just wish the rest of us a Happy Anniversary and leave a link to your journal where we can pick up your personal message...We are looking forward to hearing from you....literally!      Courtenay

Anonymous said...

why dear spence, i wonder what type of a fish this is ;) ... this is an adoring write ... some may not see it's exoticness in it's simply gorgeous state, but to the eye of THIS beholder, it is extreme exotica and erotica ;) ... luv ya much, my dear friend ... i look forward to reading you ... ALWAYS !


Anonymous said...

::;sigh:::  just beautiful....