Thursday, August 18, 2005

Flower of My Life ( A Duet)



Flower of My life

You have with stood the electric from the sky
You have with stood the wind which sang no lullaby
You have with stood the pain, many could not identify

Your hope beams within my eye
For you did not become angry and asked why
Your hope beams within my eye
For you did not give up or say good-bye

Flower of my life

You are strong with in the storm
You are a song in the storm
You are poetry with melody
which brings hope and prosperity

Pleashette 2005

Thy words do so massage
as you are part of the corsage
I wear like a golden ring
which makes my heart sing


you are a  jewel in my crown
keeping the  sparkles around
when the whole world seems blue
your light has a joyous hue


No, I am not what you think
would crumble quick as a wink
liken to fodder from above
I ain't strong, I'm in Love


Del Cano 2005 August  





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