Sunday, March 13, 2005

Delirious With Emotion

Delirious with emotion
you stroked a mighty song
whenever "she" leaves
can't help but think it wrong

thy words do rise above
then light a mighty spark
yet, in the trembling vapors
a brightness in the dark

Delirious with emotion
her touch is always grand
like standing fore the heavens
gold falling from my hand

Joined with a connection
shared only as wills can be
special to lovin companions
bound totally and joyfully.

Delirious with emotion
wrapped deep within the fold
of a bonded blend attached
striking and truly bold

Lifted in the aura of love
shared over normal commotion
nothing but joy is found
when "Delirious With Emotion"

Del Cano 2005 March  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good evening.....I like this poem its quite lovely

I find this poem another favorite