Saturday, November 5, 2005


I swell with each thought
the ones painting you.
The images of your light
and all for me you do.

I get all puffed just being
the receiver of your smile.
Dance within when caressed
in your magical style.

I can't explain to others
how you feed my soul.
Nor let them know
how our love got so bold.

I am forever in a state
of sensualities plight
a feverish warmth
you radiate each night.

Even if I shout
whisper in a soft yell
I remain fully engulfed
in your soft swell.

Del Cano 2005 Nov


Anonymous said...

I can't explain to others
how you feed my soul.
Nor let them know
how our love got so bold.

Ahhh...but you do. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

Very sincere and heartwarming. :)