Saturday, January 8, 2005

Life's Crosswalk

For but a moment we stepped
inside the abyss of pleasure
ventured beyond the boundary
of life's crosswalk treasure.
Stepping over life's set lines
will always extract bitter fate.
No use in fiddling with reality
these passions have got to wait.

Bitter pills to swallow
never less than dramatic.
Quivering remains dangle
shunting more than ecstatic.

Pleasures hang in memory
sweet, yet salty to the taste.
Fondling beyond boundaries
produces nothing but a waste.
Stirrings ought not ever
breach life's bold line
so, my smile should answer
any question you may find.

Just that fleeting moment
two souls locked in a stare
staying within life's crosswalk
allows it to remain quite fair.

Del Cano 2005 January



Anonymous said...


A beautiful rendering of that moment in time when dreams are lost in flight.  Time does not toll for kindred souls.     Lovely.

In the distance in the ocean, starfish light the way
In flight from new emotions, we ride the ocean waves
Uncertian destinations, uncaringly we flee
Following inclinations to an island in the sea


Anonymous said...

Beautiful..........I know I step over those lines, boundries as often as I think I can get away with

Anonymous said...

This one fills me with a sense of loss.