Friday, January 7, 2005

At the Intersection of Art and Life

At the intersection of art and life
we brushed, touched soul to soul
wearing open hearts like seedlings
which burst out strong and bold.

Not a word needed saying
approached moreso as a dare.
Hesitant frill cloaked sight
knowing life to be unfair.

Pulled by artful cravings
bound thru colorful words.
Humming tunes we created
sweeter than mocking birds

A fortress, barely strong as 
sand castles on the beach
yet waltzing feverishly prior
to the tides knowing reach.

Oh, so delicate the touch
speechless in fevered strife
mimicking what could be
at the intersection of art and life.

Del Cano 2005 January


Anonymous said...


Sometimes souls touch, and that touch contains all the words that need to be heard.  This is a beautiful poem of the bond of kindred minds and souls - I see it as a poem of transition.  

Lovely words.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading through your posts, Mr. S . . .your beautifully
rendered songs of love and longing, and for someone
who needed more, needed one to love who is
emotionally, physically available and able to freely
and openly respond. Your laments sadden, but I'm
beginning to understand the need, and that state of, hmmm,
let's call it "rebound" I guess, when the mind and heart
go a little insane for a time, that whirling spin of confusion
and loss, and sadness.

You've beautifully penned the full gamut in the two poems
of this time frame, that I just read, but since the former was
responded to by someone special, I thought I'd place my
response here.

You pen well, my friend, and you love and feel passion
with all your heart.

I'm pleased to know you, though somewhat disappointed to
find you've been hurt so recently . . . I hope you heal
well, dear S.


Anonymous said...

How lonely this makes one feel.