Saturday, January 22, 2005

Cold Sweat -With Tammy Jones

I tossed and turned
fidgeted most of the night
couldn't clear my mind
try as hard as I might.

The thought of you
at the top of my senses
driving erotic winds
no sleep, the expenses.

When I did doze
with not one regret
I awoke in a tremble
shaking, a cold sweat.

I could see the slopes
of your body's form
calling me to you
and its mighty charms.

Visions of you lovingly
staring into my eyes
but a murmer to a speech
my god, how you hypnotize.

I can't shake it or hide
from the thrill of your being
hope its not just a mirage
a foggy haze I am seeing.

What ever you are
not complete just yet
my longing for you
keeps me in a Cold Sweat.

Del Cano 2004

Those cold sweats
Don't fret
Without regret
I suffer too
Not truly realizing
The missing clue
Of the very fact
I love you
With all my heart
Giving you the whole
Not just a part
Of cupid's organ
Like a donor
My heart's not a loaner
But yours to keep
As in keepsake
Because this love is not fake
And you leave me crying your name
Creaming lakes

Tammy 2004

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