Friday, January 28, 2005

My Secret Passion

Just needed to tell you
tho I don't see you as much
my thoughts stay within range
my heart's held in your clutch.
You are a strange one to me
create needs way deep inside
and it goes without saying
my soul soars as we ride
I looked to you as my own
that special rhapsody I sing
when I need to give warmth
I reach to you and cling
Not to worry. I'll not fiddle
with who or what you are
yet I reach to you, specifically
much more than any, by far.
Its true we can never be
your life is layed out already
but that does not prevent my
holding you as my bedtime teddy.
When I need to be rescued
you're the ambulance at my door
I lay in your arms wallowing
and secretly begging for more.
But I'll not ask much of you
need a touch from time to time
thankful for your presence
you're the secret lust of mine.
Del Cano 2005

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