Monday, January 24, 2005

From Afar, With Love

From afar I watch and see
the way you wave your wand.
Magically with grace and skill
precious how you create a bond.

You weave words that enthrall
they touch and massage the soul.
While you smile and move on
dripping with that aura of gold.

I watch you manipulate us
bringing out the fire inside.
Dangling your special gifts
like a rising ocean tide.

You've learned well, my dear
to promote, teach and shove
keeping us all so wound up
craving for a bit of your love.

You enter a room of my heart
each time you post a write
and no matter the topic
surely its created just right.

I watch you from a far
leaving room for you to grow.
Cannot help but long for you
because I love you so.

Del Cano 2005 January

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