Saturday, January 22, 2005

Decades Ago

Seems like these decades
feel more like centuries
than the relative short time
spent creating it's histories.
Remember when a dime
would buy a loaf of bread
tho we had few phones
neighbors knew what we said.
Parents worked the same job
for so many years in town
and whatever happened
neighbors would come around.
What happened to those days
the playground had a swing
milk came in glass jugs
butchers tied meat with a string.
The iceman had a wagon
was pulled by his ole mule
and grandpa milked the cow
while he was sitting on a stool.
Music was so pleasant a sound
told a story how love was good
today it bellows out raging hate
throughout the neigborhood.
We burnt our trash and leaves
watered the grass with a hose
now, plastics corrupts the earth
to breath we hold our nose.
Used to hear my daddy speak
bout days he used to know.
Childishness hadn't been phased
now I wonder where'd they go.
Where is the ice cream
we churned on the porch
and the pan of corn bread
steaming, hot as a torch.
Cuba was the playground
for the rich and famous.
Now the best of cookies are
baked by Famous Amos.
Don't get me wrong
appreciate a moblie phone
and the sound of the pager
sends me heading home.
The microwave, a godsend
as well as the self cleaning oven
the internet is now included
in the way to find new lovin

These decades I've lived
seem more like centuries passed
in the course of living my life
the time seemed to slip by fast.

Del Cano 2004 November 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I remember and we still burn our trash....we live in the country....haven't been caught yet. Ha.   Remember the cream on the top of the milk us kids used to fight over when we brought it in off the pourch to our mom.  And yes it's fun to remember, and neighbors do still come around when something happens if you want them to, depends on where you choose to live.  Like you poem.