Wednesday, December 7, 2005

I Think of You When Alone

Lately round midnight
I awake from a fitful sleep
mostly nearly awake
never get off real deep.

When I tire of the tossin
I get up and make some tea
then start thinking bout ...
well, there really is no we.

But when I get lonesome
my mind drifts your way
start looking up poems
read the words you say.

Why is it I search you out
when my aloneness sets in
Mixed in with the gulf shore
or even places I never been.

Thoughts of pleasant walks
round a lovely pond or lake
sharing nature's glory
with the strolls we take.

What makes me think of you
when time comes with me alone
Perhaps its the history
and that our friendship's grown.

You have such pleasant ways
soft and tender is my thought
Never touched you but the spirit
is the one you have brought .

Spose it doesn't matter why
there is no reason shown.
Know my thoughts go to you
everytime I am alone.

Del Cano 2005 Dec  



Anonymous said...

Hello........This is a beautiful poem you wrote. I really like this poem a lot. I really like the words :

What makes me think of you
when time comes with me alone
Perhaps its the history
and that our friendship's grown.

You have such pleasant ways
soft and tender is my thought
Never touched you but the spirit
is the one you have brought.

Spose it doesn't matter why
there is no reason shown.
Know my thoughts go to you
everytimes I am alone.

I really think that this poem says a lot and it really touched my heart in a big way. I really think that this poem is truly what I would call "A Love Letter". I wouldn't mind if you would send this poem to me in a e-mail. I really do like this poem. Thanks for sharing it..............

Anonymous said...

who is it you think of....this artist of words?

Anonymous said...

Again, you have opened up a portal and shown me yet another beautiful side of you...


Anonymous said...

I open emails,
Words from the soul
Lay out before me
Emotions inside me begin to roll.

I save them all
for reasons unknown.
my soul has been caressed
by that of your own.

Each word that flows
softly from you,
can be compared easily
to the kiss from gently fallen dew.

when the night finally settles in,
all the drama from the day gone,
I lay down to drift into a dreamless sleep,
wondering what else could go wrong.

yet when the next day comes,
I welcome it with open arms
for dreams of you all through the night
kept me safe and warm.

Anonymous said...

This one made me smile , Such a weaver of words you be. No matter the what or why a friendship last the test of time. Be it fantasy or real helps with the lonliness on the long lonely nights .

Anonymous said...

One mind can reach another, almost magically through time and space. Even though you've never met you feel a kindred pull. These can be times of only, if and when....but then again all we can do is really pretend.  Sandi

Anonymous said...

awww, sweetie, this is filled with a love beyond all reason ... if "one" wanted to reason with love, "one" would always lose ... your heart is a beautiful fragrance, your friendship is an incense ... luvvin' you max, luvvin' your writes, heart and mind, max ...

