Sunday, February 6, 2005

What Could I Write

In a way we are hucksters
hawking ideas and feelings
we sell the way it is or
just maybe the peelings

oft times we reach farther
and touch on a soft spot
or splain how we have stuff
just like the others got

But maybe in the selling
we reach emotions hidden
and cause some to stir
where it used to be forbidden

and promote some love
or even a caring touch
on someone whose been
lacking it... bout that much

You could ask a few questions
maybe shed a bit of light
and be the answer when
they ask, "What Could I Write".
In response to poem of the same name by dpg3(Doug)

Del Cano 2005 February

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great response
to those who would listen!
Your wonderful prose
is so golden it glistens!


You've gone and done it again ;-)
