Sunday, February 13, 2005

Yearning Ache

The power of the yearn
comes thru as a soft yell
yet due to the searing burn
its not very hard to tell.

I too share the aches
when I am left right here
crave her touch's quake
her kisses sloppy smear.

I am but a mold she cast
formed in the image of desire
love vapors rise to last
she sets my soul on fire.

Del Cano 2005 February

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A twilight of voice
and scattered domains
embark wildly silent
upon night's arousal
as envisioned more keenly...

ah! such awareness
of those light flights of stars
beckoning hither

a plethora of night weavings
much enjoyed....
much promised....
and remembered.....
