Saturday, July 24, 2004

My Johnson Doesn't Work

My Johnson Doesn't Work

Just when I need it most
my Johnson will not  work
an embarrassing problem
maybe it needs a good jerk.

Springtime is here, now
knowing how passions flow
try as I might seems hopeless
can't seem to make it go.

Hell, went on the drive way
fiddled with it out there a bit
working on my Johnson in public
them neighbors bout had a fit.

I know I have to make up my mind
I can't go thru my life like this
without a working Johnson
too much of life is amiss.

My Johnson just won't work
now it is just so awfully hard
to get satisfaction and joy
inside or out there in the yard.

As bad as it really  may sound
Its time to take it to the shop
life is just too dull and sad 
if Johnson won't shoot a drop.

This is not going to work
gotta be a better fishing promoter
you see, my Johnson is broke
my warn out old boat motor.

Del Cano 2004




Anonymous said...

LOL!!!  And here my pervy was just about to start up *wink* *wink*!  Oh yeah, had me going for a minute there...."GENTLEMEN, START YOUR ENGINES!"


Anonymous said...

I guess that you must have already gotten it out of the shop the last time that we talked, cause from what I heard it was running just fine.