Tuesday, July 6, 2004

I Might Be Pretentious

 I might be pretentious
in my demand for parity
but you tell me all is fine
I need to hear with clarity
what's been said all the time.

I learned from your school
the facts you wanted me
to put forth as a tool
but more of what I see
seems a mixed bag of tricks
you juggle and change
like some old movie flicks
then look at me so strange
cause I question the view
as I look much deeper there
to the pictures which you
spread freely everywhere
yet you get ticked at me for
not following the same route
as you drive farther in you car
to reach more surburban gout
and ask me to pave the road
to save you a bit of grief
and the weight from the load
so you'll feel some relief.

I might be pretentious
in my demand for parity
your attitude of contention
rings to me with clarity.
I built my attitude upon
what I sought in search
and found we to be born
from differing hills or perch
yet when I speak my voice
you tell me I am wrong
that I made that choice
words of your favorite song
which tell me how I didn't do
what should have been done
is really all I ever hear from you
as you pack your bags and run.
Build new houses and schools
shopping centers with new stores
sports complex, swimming pools
and move jobs out by the scores.
Then you close up all the banks
take with you the factories too
put the blame on me for the angst
yet get angry if I follow you.

I might be pretentious
in my demand for parity
your attitude of contention
rings to me with clarity.

I take whats left of my life
try to rebuild a new surround
run right into stress and strife
with road blocks all around
even using my zip code as a way
to deny loans and funding for
me to rehab homes today
yet you point , "there you are,"
cause the hood has slipped down
with barely any hope in sight
but you are silent, not a sound
as I struggle with all my might
to keep our lives raised afloat
as you turn your back to ignore
while wallowing in your bloat
yet still daring me to explore
beyond the crumbs you left
for me to have as my place
after you resettled, ran like a theft
took place with not bit of disgrace.

I might be pretentious
in my demand for parity
your attitude of contention
rings to me with clarity.






1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!  An awesome opinion/rant.  Well done!
