Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Loathsome Passion

At first I chuckled at your sneer
then realized your loathsome passion
as if you cannot understand love
you chase it like deer in heated fashion.

Your sneers tell your emptiness
or can it be just a jealous phase
not understanding my devotion to her
nor any of my supportive ways.

Your true darkness showed brightly
when you stalked me near the trash
Using your best come on to woo me
just lit my weariness like a flash.

You struggle to even wave pleasantly
while I get she and her wheel chair loaded
The lack of charity in your face
has been locked and duly noted.

A damn neighbor watching my every move
you must wear spots on the shades
Trying to catch me alone to speak
your actions are like sharpened blades.

Just cause she is not as healthy as you
doesn't make her any less appealing
No expression you can flash at me
could possibly send my heart to reeling.

You killed the simplest of the goose
in your trifling disgusting fashion
Supposing you could lure me your way
with not an ounce of compassion.

Lady, stay hidden in your lair
turn your head when I step out;
to reduce your bitter demeanor
when she and I go about.

Del Cano 2006 September




Anonymous said...

Oh Spencer,
I am sorry for your frustration at this shallow woman... I am so glad you have this outlet. Bam

Shallow woman ...get back in your lair,
Stay with your shadow..get back in there!!!!

Anonymous said...

dear Spencer
good job and a very sad poem

Anonymous said...

You dont need this woman in your life spying on you amd trying to lure you to her.
As for her sneers I hope she chokes on them.   If you need any help, there are us ladies who are commenting on this poem who will take care of her for you.
