Thursday, October 12, 2006

I Shed Tomorrow's Tears

I shed tomorrow's tears today
ready for the pain yet to come
knowing how life has gone awry
letting them drip out for some.

I shed tomorrow's tears right now
for how my country fades from grace
Mistaken leaders tell bold lies
with shallow grins upon their face.

I shed tears which will certainly be
a flood for what is down the road.
Resulting from troubled times
we are living with a liars code.

Time to stop this madness
corral this runaway facade
Created in greed's mighty lust
leading liars have made.

I shed tomorrow's tears today
allow them to drip free and clear.
Keep trying to wake up the masses
while chaos grows freely here.

Del Cano 2006 October





Anonymous said...

Words for our time ahead. A testiment to the worries I have today, what will happen tomorrow should our leaders continue.................
Rebecca Anne

Anonymous said...

I know so many of us feel like this...and we just sit here and live with it. Bam

Anonymous said...

All of your words are true and it scares me.  What does it take to get people up off their butts and do something about it. We go about our daily lives as if everything is just fine.  Love to read your poetry.  Each one leaves me wanting to read more.                                                      Myke

Anonymous said...

ah..Spencer..this rings home. last night I was just wondering about our government..I questions their actions and shake my head in disbelief about the news I read about them.

You've put it in words for us.