Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hey Man, Why You Questioning Me

Hey man, why you questioning me
cause I've loved a woman since eternity.
You pout cause my woman loves me back
thru life's hell and any sort of lack.
Just as if we squeezed thru a hole
slipped away from the crowd like a mole.
Ignored all those studies bout how to live
count on each other in sharing what we give.
Hey man, you gotta let her know
no matter what, she's the star of the show.
Never bring home the crap from work
and act like frustrated yelling jerk.
Make sure you keep passions alive
none of that later or headache jive.
Be creative in how you let her know
she is special to you where ever you go.
Never ever put her down in front of another
or publically let anyone see you frown.
Always make her feel like a queen
if she's wearing a gown or cut off jeans.
Make sure to keep in mind she
has wants and needs many won't see.
You must always show appreciation 
for who she is and all that satiation.
Hey man, why you complain to me
cause your woman don't respond friskly.
Maybe you take her forgranted and ignore
too much of what she adores.
Always make sure to show her respect
or for sure your relationship is wrecked.
You must forever take time to hear
not let her words blow by your ear.
And don't you dare forget to date her
treat her like the other woman in fur.
Send her candy with little notes
then you'll find stuff she wrote.   
Make her smile at you and she'll beam
continuously as if to split a seam.
In return you'll have a real lover up close
a friend and more romance than most.
So, what the hell you questioning me for
I ain't gonna act like you are, man.
I'm going home to my Sweet Thang
totting these flowers in my hand.
Del Cano 2006 September 


Anonymous said...

Love it........Smart man! Bam

Anonymous said...

how sweet Spencer!
really awesome poem! can you write amovie script to go with it!:)

Anonymous said... IS sweeter! All the guys should read THIS!
your poem speaks of a role model....
Gem :-)