Monday, January 16, 2006

After Midnight

After midnight and she's sleep
watch as she breathes another world
as if the whole universe is gone
while my mind dances and twirls
mine own  thoughts linger
to where we used to be
on mountain passes
and shores of the sea

In our world of love
as well as dreams we had
I'm missing her presence
while feeling a little sad.

Yet, I know deep inside
her world-like abyss
resides the residue
of our former life of bliss

Del Cano 2005 August


Anonymous said... abyss filled with fragments of feelings of love that could not survive.  A poignant mental image...............

Anonymous said...

aewsome and powerful Spencer!
ye contractor deserves a ballad me thinks!:)
lator gator

Anonymous said...

I just found your journal from a comment you left on my journal. I'm very happy to find you. your journal is very nice and your poetry is awesome. I have never heard of anyone with both my names. Judy is my first and Pearl is my second. Very few people are named or called Pearl any more. Pearl was my grandmother's name. My husband of 30 yrs was killed in an auto accident and the only thing he ever called me was His Pearl. my closest friends call me Pearl. so tell your wife Judy your Pearl hello from Judy Pearl lol I put you on my alerts

Anonymous said...

Spencer...she's a lucky girl hon'. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written although very sad.

Anonymous said...

Wow Spencer's place, I read your poems and they're all really good I like them alot. I know because I write poems mostly love and romance poems.