Tuesday, January 3, 2006


I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Lane of Ms Smith's Diary


By Cathy, Ladee of the World


and by Libra Gem of


(Who by the way is "NOT"weird)

These are the rules of the game: The very first player chose a topic. In this case, the topic is FIVE WEIRD HABITS OF YOURS. You must then write a journal entry listing those weirdness you possess~as well as the rules of the game. Then, you select FIVE PEOPLE TO TAG and link their names/blogs in your entry. Go to their journals and leave a comment informing them they have been tagged by you and to read your journal to see in what way they have been nailed! Those five then MUST (note that I insist upon it!) write an entry listing their weird habits and tag an additional five people.

After much constirnation and wondering what weird things I did I finally broke down and consulted Judy who pointed out easily the following:

 1. I stopped excessive drinking because of a giant chicken.
                         (long story available upon request)

 2. I sometimes put malasses in my tea to sweeten it
      (lots of times)

 3. Love to wash, set, comb, brush or otherwise fiddle in ladies hair
     (is it too late to change careers ?)

 4. My body is always warm. In the dead of winter or
     heat of summer (no comment)
 5. I am an odd mixture of a shy and aggressive person. In     public discourse and meetings I am out spoken, opinionated and aggressive. On a personal level on one to one basis I am mostly shy. (I need an audience?) 

6. As an added bonus I was reminded that not only do I sometimes chew on rum soaked crooks (cigar) but am fast becoming addicted to chocolate flavored cigars. I keep one nearby ready for a good sniff.

Now I am suppose to Tag 5 others to keep this game going. For those who have already been tagged just leave us a link so we can peep at your answers.

Robin  http://journals.aol.com/robinngabster/TheWorldthruMyEyes/

Mystic is kinda new.Stop in and give her a wave. She's a poetess. Ur Oklahoma Dream


Sassy Dee







Anonymous said...

oh gosh..the more I think about it the more I realized I do a lot of odd things LOL!
hmnn..#1 sounds like a very interesting story (how about an entry?)
(#3)oh so...you're a hairdresser?? cool! :-)
Thanks for playing along Spencer...you're cool!
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Gem, I am locked out and can't edit it as yet. Had not finished the entry.
Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

I saw that chicken too! LMAO

Anonymous said...

Did mine!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Robin.


Anonymous said...

Hairdresser, huh?......interesting.............

I am always warm too.  Kindred spirits...........

Anonymous said...

yeah, thanks, Spence, now the whole world knows ... lol ...

Anonymous said...

Official request for the long story about a giant chicken and the ceasing of excessive drinking...
(sometimes my link doesn't work when I type it in - DON'T ask me why!  Very frustrating subject...  but, I keep trying anyway.  I'm convinced its NOT my fault.  Obviously.)

Anonymous said...

Here's mine: "Caught Weird" complete with weird photo! ;-) Sassy


Spencer~I used to like the flavored "natural" (contradiction in terms!) cigarettes I'd get in CA; raspberry chocolate was yummy. I don't smoke now. Fun to read about everyone's weirdness!!! ;-)))

Anonymous said...

A giant chicken?  Wow!  Congrats on being an editor's pick. -Dawn-