Wednesday, January 4, 2006

The Giant Chicken

This is written as a result to a few asking about my first weird habit from being tagged.

The Giant Chicken

In September 1981, another lifetime ago, I was driving headed eventually to Louisville, Kentucky for a few meetings with some coal miners and suppliers.With several mining associates in the Evansville, IN area I had planned to stop in that vacinity on the way to Louisville.

Still in the grips of a most upsetting divorce and wild court battles I had for the past few years married the business and dove deeply into it. With constant meetings and negotiations it was common to have buffet meals and drinks several times a day while conducting business. I had no idea (which I would admit) that I had been drinking excessively as many of the others were even tho there were obvious telltale signs
I should have noticed.

Driving from the St Louis area using the newly opened western leg of I-64 I was joyous and in good spirits to be headed east to visit with some coal suppliers to piece together enough
coal to be applied to my recently increased contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. The stops in Evansvile and Owensboro, KY (just across the Ohio River) were non-incidental as I resumed by trek to the final destination. A few miles east of the junction onto I-64 I was feeling good about the preliminary meetings and was anticipating my upcoming evening meetings. The soybean and corn fields buzzed by with an occassional oil cricket pump interrupting the flowing grain display my eyes had grown accustom to. The hum of the engine along with the tapes of the best choices of R&B music of the day allowed me to ride in pleasant sensual splender. I'm sure the scotch at lunch played a part in the mellowness I felt.

Off in the forward distance to my left I could barely make out an image stepping thru the fields of grain and as I rode closer to it I was dumbfounded by what I saw. This monstrocity of an image was about to step on me and my vehicle as it crossed the road way. The vehicle spun a total 360 degrees from sudden braking while cruising at high speed. Immediately, I jumped out of the car to see this GIANT CHICKEN  stepping across the fields headed in a southernly direction. With out
the slightest concern that I might have killed myself and others with the sudden braking which spun my car around facing west in the east bound lanes I discovered myself lingering in the gutters of the road straining to see this monster chicken.

After a few minutes I regained my composure and manipulated my car back on the road and proceeded on my journey.  Though it took a few minutes to recover from the rapid breathing and fast paced hear rate I had settled back into my traveling mode with music from the engine and tapes. As fate would have
it that damn chicken came into view in the corner of my right eye soaking wet as if it had walked across the river heading back to its roost. I had decided I would speed up a bit so as to make it past his path way before we met in the road. I sped up it seemed to keep pace with me. Suddenly one of his giant feet appeared to almost step on the car and I swerved to avoid it. I ended up crossing into the passing lane and as my tires came in contact with the gravel off the edge of the pavement the car spun around again.When I jumped out to see this chicken it had gone from view all together with no fading vision to watch.
It was simply gone.

This time my recovery took longer as I saw the possiblity of me killing and being killed with sudden braking action on a four lane highway. Heart racing and breathing rapidly I turned the music off and thought about what had just happened. Not once but twice. Reality nudged me to whisper, "buddy, you got troubles".There is no GIANT CHICKEN. There is NO giant chicken. Many questions rushed throught my head instantly.
Had I lost my mind? Was I having a nervous break down? Was I stressed and didn't know it? I sat there off the edge of the road for awhile thinking. I have to be alive to see my daughters grow up. They depend on me.Their mother had flaked out on her duties and didn't act like a mom until she wanted something. Or was in a mood to connive for the sake of it. Sitting there with myriad thoughts racing thru my mind
as to why that chicken appeared. Was there a reason I should know? Had "she" put a curse on me? Had I gone too far in my fighting the so called standards of society at that time?

None of the questions I was poundering answers to involved me directly. They all centered on others with me as if I were an onlooker peeping in from the outside. Knowing I had turned the music off a few minutes earlier I still wondered why it was quiet in the car when the thought hit me. Spencer, you are DRUNK! No giant chickens, no curses, no anything but you had been drinking too much and refused to admit it. Spencer, you are DRUNK! And your drunkeness damn near got you killed. You were doing exactly what you had been preaching against. Drunk driving. Dumb ass, you are drunk.

After a few minutes of facing my own realities it became apparent to me my breathing had returned to normal.
The goosebumps had receded. The sweat had begun to dry. I was facing my demon and telling myself the ruthless truth. Spencer, you are and have been driving drunk. An admission which seemed to lift a veil of lies off me. I could see clearly now. I could see why I carried my anger from the marriage break up with me as if it were a luxury purse for all to see. Poor me! Poor, poor Spencer. He thought he had the best wife
in the world until he started earning a better than average income when she turned into a monster.

I prayed right there and felt a sobering awakening to my own actions as I submitted to my shortcomings.I prayed I would never see that giant chicken again. I prayed I would be the best mother and father to my children.I prayed to lift the underlying anger from me and to live with as much love as I could spread. As I resumed my trip I felt a peace which I had not felt in a few years. That GIANT CHICKEN had saved me from not only becoming an alcoholic (if I had not already become one) but to face life with a more positive attitude.

I have never again been visited by that chicken and rarely drink except for an occasional glass of wine with dinner.




Anonymous said...

Wow.....I need to think about this one for a while.  Sobering words, even for a non drinker.

Anonymous said...

Well, alls well that ends well.


Anonymous said...

    Amazing story ..... fascinating, isn't it , how our mind gives us the messages we need to survive?  I've never heard of this one, but it sure seemed to do the trick for you !   Thanks for sharing ... Tina

Anonymous said...

Now since I live here in Ky you might have really saw a big chicken and it had been drinking what we calll swamp water made right here in WINCHESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALE 8 1!!!!!!!!!!! Lol

Anonymous said...

Wow  I have been pretty drunk before but never saw anything ad normal . But I do not drink and drive so maybe that is why . lol Im glad my wake up call wasnt that big . nice storie

Anonymous said...

lol! that chicken sounds like a realtive of Scrooge who lives in Kentucky!
you gave me the giggles!

Anonymous said...

Spencer, thank you for sharing that story. It's a reminder of what stress can do to any one of us. Actually, I think your salvation came in the form of that "giant chicken."
I was in a six year relationship that ended disastrously. I started drinking heavily (tequila) afterwards and haven't stopped. At first, it was to escape the past and now, I think, it's due to fear of the future. I'm getting married and I guess I'm nervous.
In any event, I spent New Year's Day bowing down to the porcelain god = the toilet bowl. THAT hangover lasted two full days - ouch!
Thanks for sharing this story.

Anonymous said...

Wow Sir admiration is boundless.  What a difficult story to tell, and what a difficult truth to acknowledge.  I think that big chicken was you...jumping right outta your head...calling you chicken for your "woa is me" attitude...right in your face.  Isn't the mind amazing... ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

I guess it sort of cured ya! That would do it for me LOL...glad you weren't hurt or that you didn't hurt anyone else either.  Not many people can claim a chicken saved the way you wrote this...from the heart...Sandi

Anonymous said...

Depending on what part of Kentucky you were in , you just might have saw a giant chicken. I live in Louisville. In a little town known as Rooster Run Ky. there is a giant rooster in front of the town store. But I don't think it would be chasing you. I want a glass of what you were drinking that night or smoking or whatever you were doing sounds like a triip and a half........GOOD OLE KY GIRL

Anonymous said...

wow - that chicken saved you, real or not!  great entry, spence.  


Anonymous said...

Wow, fascinating story.  Good you shared.  Great you learned from it.  Came here via Gem.  Nice to meet you Spencer =) Hugs, Val

Anonymous said...

It is always amazing to me what brings us around when its time for us to come around...  I love this story!!!  And I love that nothing tragic happened for the realization to hit you.  It was all from within.  And Above.

Wonderful story.  Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Excellent piece for all of us who might be in denial or about to face our own giant chickens. Well written! This piece belongs in magazines and newspapers around the country! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I wish my brother would have an experience like this and stop drinking.  He is 41 going on 16 and draining our retired Mom dry.  It makes me soooooooooooo mad.  Congrats to you for realizing what is important in your life!  Gem sent me!

Happy New Year!~

Anonymous said...

I read this last night and knew I had to sent for all the Jlanders to read. Wonderful true story you shared that can be  a lesson to those who needs it. I'm glad you are here today to share this life-altering event.
I'm proud of you,
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

I saw your link in Nat's journal and have to say that I came just to thank you for saying that you liked my poeam and be on my way-BUT.... you have captivated me! You have such a brilliant way with words. I will HAVE to come back!

Anonymous said...

What strength and determination it must have taken. This is an inspiration to others facing the reality of death by alcohol.

Anonymous said...

As an alcoholic (I would like to say former but have learned there is no such thing), I truly appreciated this entry.  Very impressive and I hope your honesty and openess may help others who are about to be visited by the giant chicken.

On a lighter note.......can you imagine the size of the frying pan?


Anonymous said...

It took a great deal of courage to share that story with us. I'm thankful that it didn't end in real tragedy & that you were able to examine yourself & your situation with real honesty. Alcholism can slip up on any person at any time in their life, for a number of different reasons. Take care, my friend.


Anonymous said...

giant chicken? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

OMG~I finally read it! Saved by the Giant Chicken! LOL...Great not so weird story, Spense! How are the by now grown kids doing? It takes whatever it takes in be brought to our knees in prayer! Blessings, Deb ;-)

Anonymous said...

Somehow, when I read this, I kept remembering that Louisville is the headquarters of Kentucky Fried Chicken....

Anonymous said...

lmao....giant chicken?  I've heard of the pink elephants..but never that.  Sounds like a rude awakening...but a needed one.  Have a great day...I will eat my chicken with a different state of mind

Anonymous said...

I thank all of you who have read and commented on this thread
about my "Giant Chicken" incident years ago. Some have received
emails of thanks.

I have had this incident as a shadowry cloak to remind me of the
fear I went thru that day and have not drank (rarely and minimally)
and did modify my life's direction to be more focused on my immediate
family. Not until I wrote this thread had I given the chicken its just due.
I had kept it as a joking reminder of that frightful day but now feel it is time
to elevate it to its proper status of angelic intervention. I must now admit
the chicken might have been a hand of God reaching in to touch me.
An angel perhaps? So, from this day forward the "Giant Chicken" will be
moved from a frightning joke of an incident to something more holy.

I thank all of you for sharing in this and really appreaciate those of you
who asked me to explain when I included it as one of my weird things.

Bless you


Anonymous said...

I read the whole account completely oblivious to everything else. From the description of the scenery to the sincerity of emotions... made a deep impact. I guess we would all read something like this and see it in the light of our own experiences and perhaps troubles. The courage is commendable.