Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sweet Kisses

Been trying to explain just how
she raises my sugar level so high.
I think maybe it might be those kisses
like grandma's sweet potato pie.

When she enters the door
its like she's been gone for so long.
Grabs me like a choking vine
but can't say I can call it wrong.

That woman keeps me smiling
even sitting round resting in a daze.
I look over there at her in my lust
loving all of her passionate ways.

Don't care if she's wearing cut offs
or a big oversized sweat suit.
Just love being in her presence
as if her body was sugar fruit.

My sugar level rises to a high 
that rosy smile never misses.
Drive me just as batty now
since she first gave out her kisses.

All these years haven't dulled
even the slightest of a bit.
Can count on her always to stir
guaranteed to drive me to a fit.

Oh, she can be so rewarding
in all the ways she can tease.
Sitting cross from her, mind fades
thinking, pass the jelly, please.

Some may call me crazy
but they don't know bout this.
Wait till they get a woman
whose got an apple pie kinda kiss.

Del Cano 2007 September


Anonymous said...

Ooh what a lucky woman to inspire this kind of tribute! I love the sassy, swing rhythm of this poem.--Sheria

Anonymous said...

Hello Spencer,

This poem as well as the Sun Dress poem you sent me is romantic and yet like Walt Whitman's poems lustful. I enjoyed reading these poems and I think I will have to come back to read more of these. Thanks for sharing them. Take care.