Saturday, February 25, 2006

Different Worlds

We live in different worlds
see nothing much the same
tho our eyes both see life
our differences are to blame.

How we respond tells the tale
of how we see what is there
Often one or the other misses
what one feels is unfair.

My life is driven by the years
I've fought city hall and such.
You slow your car and wave
while I sit and wait on the bus.

My jobs die off or I'm fired
as often as you change shoes.
Forever looking for a new start
while it seems you can't lose.

Bank says my credit's bad
go figure, should I wonder why
or ought I just allow my dreams
to simply drift off in the sky.

Rent man sold the house
builder's gonna tear it down.
Make new condos complete
towering up from the ground.

Now where do I get a deposit
even if I found rent I can afford.
May need to split the family
for cheaper room and board.

To hell with the bus
need to get up and walk.
Me, myself and I gotta meet
have a real good talk.

Vehicles buzzing by
faces held straight ahead.
They wish not to see me
maybe its what I said.

What, I can't want the same
to be able to leave a real job.
Ride home in style, safe
all duded up, no slob.

Lets see here,schooling
bought the same lessons
yet,my way is not the same
not like all your blessings.

When I should be thinking
bout retiring my tired soul.
Got to start all over
fo I end out in the cold.

Sure, the pains do linger
as the good life floats on by.
I am stuck with the left overs
not the twinkles from your eye.

You point at me with jesters
like I wrote the book you made.
I am forever ass deep in crap
keeping my head up as I wade.

We live in different worlds
see nothingmuch the same
tho our eyes both see life
our differences are to blame.

Del Cano 2006 Feb




Anonymous said...

There is only one world.
We both sleep under the same sky.
The differences,  Dear Sir ...
Are in your mind's eye.

Anonymous said...

ah Spencer! what a difference an attitude ca make if we want to be there

Anonymous said...

Dear Spense~Although I have the racial advantage, I sure know that feeling of walking down the road feeling downtrodden while the world seems to be having a good time riding by...Hope & hugs, Sassy

Anonymous said...

My friend, I could not begin to change what you perceive.
I wish I had the cure for a lifetime of being jaundice-eyed.
I wish I could undo the roadblocks and unfair challenges,
But success is truly measured by how hard a man has tried.
