Saturday, November 1, 2003

I Write

I Write

I write when my heart is alone

and when your voice speaks.

I sing my favorite song

and clap and pat my feet.


I write when I feel you

and swell as you draw near.

I rave, yes I really do,

when I know you are here.


But most of all I write

when all else might fail.

My heart takes its flight

as my senses set to sail.


I find there's no other way

to expend this soulful fight

than to grab my pen each day

and sit down...and I write.


Anonymous said...

And rhyme time after time....*GRIN*  An exacting write, sharp and to the point.  I like it!


Anonymous said...

Wow!  You just answered it for all of us.  TY  C.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.......So you hear voices too.....LOL J/K