Sunday, May 24, 2009

And I Fished

While they argued and pointed fingers
I fished

While they called each other names
I fished

While they added lousy descriptions
hey, I fished

Damn that catfish was good.

The president said the sky was falling
vote for this and it will stop.
I fished.

The congress heard from the people
then voted against the proposal
I fished.

Some cast their line farther than others
they caught the will of the people.
And I fished

Del Cano 2008 September

1 comment:

Sandisan said...

Wondered if you are still writing or not...hope that you still are someplace..let me know..I am just getting back into blogging after not doing it for several years...and my poetry much has happened down through these past years...come visit if you like to...Sandi