Left home in the dark before light
my tires humming a road song.
A crisp yet lovely morning to fish
anticipation made me sing along.
Horse Shoe Lake awaited
in its pristeen Summer attire.
Waving grasses showed the spot
which would fulfill my desire.
Snatching blue gills from the lake
using meal worms and bacon bits
and when I used a few minnows
the crappie started having fits.
Laid a telescopic cane pole down
went to check on another line.
As daybreak woke my senses
the breeze made the reeds to chime.
Geese paddling their route
circling round their prey.
Turtle's bobbing heads
seemed to wave in the day.
A snake loosely hanging on a branch
just off the lapping water's edge.
Frogs belching out to the world
as the sun cleared horizon's ledge.
Imagined nature massaging me
as I shared the environments fare.
First thing Saturday morning, fishing
joining the canvas without a care.
Enhaling aroma of trees and brush
as each wave lapped and ebbed
magnifying emotions pleasure
like being caught up in a web.
By 10AM had satiated my need
was now truly fullscale awake.
Packing my gear taking a last look
at the serenity at Horse Shoe Lake.
Del Cano 2005 May
Very nice...I felt like I was standing there drinking in nature's bounty and enjoying the serenity of a peaceful lake.....Sandi
I love this! <Ok except for the meal worms, I got a thing about those creatures...yucky> :o)
You have some nice poetry in your journal. Your writing is very detailed as well.
Good Job!
This is DELIGHT! Pure delight. Just reading it I feel so good. I can only imagine your joy.........:). And the ease and flow you write with, it's like you are talking the reader........ no correction no rethinking. Fluid!
Loved it! And love you too dear dear man:).
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