Take them rose colored glasses
and chunk 'em in the dump.
We all been kicked in the asses.
You shout out that he is so great
that his visions are of the best.
Obviously, your mind can't tell
you been screwed long with the rest.
You, a teacher, can't keep a job
tho praising "no child left behind".
Folks all looking for improvement
searching, ain't a damn thing to find.
Smoke and mirrors is all is there;
every so-called improvement is clear.
What kinda math does it take to figure
take money away ain't nothing left here.
Say what? You can't see it?
He's gonna fix social security;
taking more money from it
certainly'll drive it to obscurity.
I've heard your dribbles and praise
while borrowing from me to buy gas.
Looking thru those rose lenses
had to done just blinded your ass.
Take a gander and see thru my eyes.
mine were thrown away years ago.
Could see it all spreading like a plaque
with the chanting of mo and even mo.
You were shocked that folks would dare
attack this country reeking fear and angst.
You were not aware of all the shenanigans
with the politicians as well some banks.
Take them damn rose colored glasses off
take a real close look and you'll be able to see
you're in the same lousy position as many
just like most of my neighbors and me.
You've been sold a bill of goods, not much
better'n the old Brooklyn bridge caper.
He smiled and said words you loved to hear
till time to produce he gave you blank paper.
Yet, you still sing his praises and are wowed.
I prefer to see it as it really comes across to me.
He's shifting all the favors to the wealthiest
knowing folks like you will never chance to see.
Say what? I didn't raise the price of gas.
I'm glad as hell my van doesn't run on coffee.
At Starbucks rates for $2.50 a six ounce cup
thats $53.00 a gallon. Blame that on Ghadafi!
Oh, I see! Your problems are brought on
mainly by people like me who don't believe
and as long as we're speaking bout sight
I might just say, "you've been deceived".
Cause any way you figure it I'm still driving
tho hanging by the tips of my fingernail.
Watching you walk wearing those rose glasses
refusing to look at me laugh and wail.
Say what? You don't see it?
Del Cano 2005 April
Political poetry, now that is a new one for me! So if there is a place for political poetry, I do declare, you by far have mastered it!
Hi Spencer
This is certainly a new poem for you. I like it. I feel sad also with the sorry state things are in...I am impressed with the way you chose to say about how you feel. Good work!
Always, Carly :) Ellipsis and Ellipsis The Blue Willow Gallery
Wonderful Spencer. Not only the new poem, and I can say I relate to alot of what you're saying... but the rhythm of this one is different. I really like it. Kinda jazzy.... wonderful. :)
Oh, I see! Your problems are brought on
mainly by people like me who don't believe
and as long as we're speaking bout sight
I might just say, "you've been deceived".
You have a gift Spencer and you are a messenger. There are those who will listen and those who cannot hear. He has blinded their eyes with fear. If he doesn't succeed with Bird Flu he will manage to find another TAPE.
I appreciate this poem but your message is of the highest value to me. The freedom of the American people is at stake.
Bless you my friend,
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