Sunday, May 22, 2005

A Note (Collab with Naia)

Felt the need to send a note
and speak to you up front
you, my dear lady, are
who my soul had to hunt

A little voice inside my soul

Kept whispering to watch for you

To pay attention at every turn

Yet still I wondered if it could be true

My soul and me are thrilled
to have you so nearby
the marvel you are to us
is always worth a cry

It's hard to believe you're
standing here

My source of yearning, of love and light

Can't help but count my lucky stars

For I'm struck by providence most kind

The love you helped
to generate within
is more than a gasp.
it's permenant, my friend.

Loving you gives new meaning to life

A glowing view of what once was mundane

There's nothing I do that you aren't there

You make a crazy world seem sane

So, here I am writing
to let you know I care
that I do not go anyplace
without taking you there.

I wear this silly sort of grin

With just about everything I do

My heart skips beats quite regularly

Did I forget to mention this to you?

This is just a note
to wish you a good day
and to tell you I love you
and treat you just that way

With but a gaze from your brown eyes

You wield a power over me

To say "I love you" seems too easy

I guess that's the way it's supposed to be!

I love you!

Naia-Del Cano 2005


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