Saw her standing there
confusion on her face
peeping at her watch
then look off into space.
Back and forth she
strolled with nerves
seeming about to fray
at the edge of the curbs.
Could tell she was waiting
for some good reason
I had realized that
school was not in season.
Felt sad for the lady
went to join her in her plight.
Of course she was attractive
with all sitting just right.
Her sheepish smile gleamed
as I approached her spot.
Her eyes sparkled greatly
as she looked at me a lot.
It wasn't hard to tell
at least to me it seems
her standing there, proudly
in almost too tight blue jeans.
All that set aside
greetings came with ease
and her pleasant hand
shook mine with a tease.
Didn't take very long
to learn that her quest
was the return of her child
the root of her happiness.
Seems dad took him
for a day of fun and play
then decided to cheat her
as was his normal way.
Instead of driving him home
as would had the most of us
dad called mom and said,
"I put the boy on the bus".
Between her thinking
bout me and her boy
she tried to strike a balance
and acted a wee bit coy.
But before I could settle
she hit me with a bomb
said, "damn you're nice
and I'm a single mom."
With a smirking smile
a lean toward my way
asked if I had the time
to give the rest of the day.
Before I could recover
and let it mull in my mind
she add," I am good
and of the loving kind."
Again before allowing me
the ability to give an answer
she made a couple moves
looked like an exotic dancer.
Even in my befuddled view
could tell how she controlled
the direction of the chat
and the way that she cajoled.
Not long appeared the bus
she gladly stepped up front
snatched the child in arms
the target of her hunt.
Turned and pointed to me
said, "meet mom's new man".
Though I started to stammer
I was shaking the boy's hand.
As we turned to walk
away from the corner
got a wave from a neighbor
perhaps a sort of warner.
I graciously bowed out
asked for a rain check.
She winked and smiled
kissed me on the neck.
And as she walked away
too tight jeans so calm
she said, "don't you forget
I'm a good single mom".
Del Cano-2004, July
Mmmm...You know how I feel about this one *wink* Well done, sweetie!
I may be waaaayyy off on this one, but for now all that I can think to say is "Thank-You"
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