Who's Playing Who (Ms Jones and Del Cano) Explicit
Who’s Playing Who?
I’m nothing but a piece of meat and you lack the discreet
manner of the quiet demeanor of keeping a secret
you agreed to practicing when you found my ass enticing
we went from creepin to drippin in hot clues because I’m fucking you
after hitting this once from the back, I see so much shit you lack
that is the fact
you act like top dawg even a little Boss Hogs getting a little bit smug because it’s me you fugged
next time stick yo shit in a jug of formaldehyde and see what happens taking that dangerous ride
why did you make it yours to help him find out and give him evidence beyond a doubt?
if that was your point, to get him bent out of every joint
then it was me who could of pursued to tell him instead of you
I was the one you played a fool, not; as his best friend you came off so cruel
did you think you would remain his friend after delivering this news you send?
shoot, I know your ass was played in the end
you know he is smarter than that to keep you as his right-handed cat
after you took me, his red crimson womb and you gave his privacy the aura of a burial tomb
you were done with me so you were proud to wave me like a flag but instead he took
it and shoved it in your mouth as a gag because you were so wrong
Tammy, 2004
Who Is Playing Who
Sugar, you just really confirmed
my suspicions from the start
course I promised to be discreet
don't wonna be toted off in a cart.
Remember now, you were the one
throwing them legs over my head
not a complaint, every bit the taste,
good all thru the warfare in the bed.
My satin tongue checking out
those nipples; bold, taut and firm
giving me a good lesson in desire
like a full semester, an acedemic term.
Oh goodness, baby, the battle roared
you flung and throbbed and raged
with primal wildness uninhibited
like an animal escaped from a cage.
Got your nerves talking 'bout the back
with all that hollin and whooping, my dear
I was the one feeling kinda rocky and
got to gittin nervous and feelin fear.
The way you were performing, damn,
brought me out to the stage, baby please
hell the rumblin going on there was a mess
aint no way anybody could call that a tease.
But see, what "You" didn't know is the killa
that performance with me was just a deposit
"He" suspected you were wilder than let on
you didn't know bout that camera in the closet.
At first it was just a job to confirm "his" suspicion
but your torrid and wild performance in the sac
was all "I" needed to confirm you are a treasure
and would love to be able to return. Come back.
But, things went way too far; I'm sorry to say
still his right handed-man but I have no clue
sugar I wish I had the answer. It won't be good.
"You" are in for it. Now, "Who Is Playing Who"?
DelCano 2004, June
Re: A Poetic Pair (Ms Jones and Del Cano) Explicit
little did your ass realize that what I’m about to tell you will leave you wanting to die
this is part two, the unwritten version of the you know what, of me about to tell ya what’s up
you think you were smart playing me but I got something to tell ya that’s hard to word see
that damn condom you wore must have damn well tore
because it’s your baby that will be born
how do I know? Well your man couldn’t have done it cause he had problems and his man
would not grow
he is impotent and now you see how important it was for you to keep this on the down low
could you blame me being a woman with needs not being able to bear his seed?
worst of all enjoy a night of intimacy adding a bit of intricacy to the very reason I looked racy
men do that shit all the time but it was me you saw out of line
let me say one thing though you claim I was the one making so much noise
you were a man laying up there with me and it was your choice
so what makes you look better than me and now you pay a fee
with impregnating me with your baby and ya called it all gravy
hmm, I will see your ass in court once they serve you the papers
because Imma get cho ass and tell the cops you raped me
and what more proof than that in the DNA puddin
as the plain ole truth…
Edited by: therealmsjones at: 6/10/04 6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Posts: 373
(6/10/04 7:42 pm)
Baby, let me see if I can help
get your mind working better
than the crap you keep trying
like what you say in your letter.
Didn't you even "try" to hear
or understand what I said
you having my baby is not
a reason I wish to be dead.
I'm not your average Joe
or as you say, a street dude
I take care of all my business
and for damn sure I aint rude.
Now don't you remember
that I told you how I enjoyed
and tripped on you so
with the stuff you employed?
The idea of us having a child
together is almost fascinating
as long as I don't have to deal
with your crazy vaccilating.
Your mind -set bout our affair
seems childish, maybe an escape
but why do you feel the need
to stoop so low, to yell rape.
You setting your self up again
why not just face it and admit
that we were good together
and you did willingly submit.
Course, just in case
you intend to keep acting a fool
there's plenty copies of the tapes
to see before the court makes a rule.
So baby, can't you just give
real thought to our child
and try to work this out
kinda level headed, not wild.
I feel we can make a go of it
if you just relax at least a bit
and stop all that conniving
thro out all that bull shyt.
Lets call a truce and stop
acting with so much blame
I'd like a chance to love you
give our baby and you my name.
So, can we forgive and forget
these wild ways of the street
put aside our differences
just love, make life complete.
DelCano 2004, June
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