How will I start this tale of tart
most tasty each morsel’s flavor.
How she brewed, then renewed
the reckoning of lusts to savor.
Cannot lie she pleased the eye
of every fiber’s craving want
and all the senses raised in unison
till my body was tight and taunt.
This eyelicious creature, delicious
in all visual meanings of the word.
Honey, flowing from her mouth;
ecstatic sounds so rarely heard.
Need I say I found no way
to resist her presence’s appeal.
As she stroked manhood’s yoke
I responded with zest and zeal.
And, oh, how would I know
she’d turn my body to jell.
A bursting crease then released
one hell of an odorous smell.
I was stuck! Mind went amuck;
seemed frozen in a senseless state.
I tried and tried to break the grip
she held so firmly to my fate.
A mighty fight went on that night
with oh, a many a grunt and groan.
Then, as suddenly as she appeared
I found that I was all alone!
My foggy state then did abate
as clarity slowly began to spoil it.
I know for sure and I’ll tell you all
don’t ever fall asleep on the toilet.
DelCano 2004
LOL! It was (pardon the pun & language) one hell of a shitty deal, huh? Funny....too funny... ;D
thank - you for the smile I will have all the while washing dishes.
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