Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Your Presence Fondles Me

Your presence fondles me
touches my sensitive soul
reaches out and massages
like fingertips of gold

When you enter my sight
always a fluttering feel
the radiance you bring
peaceful and so still

Even when you are not
within my senses sight
thinking of you is warmth
chocolate on a cool night.

Your presence fondles me
caresses my every part
manipulates my senses
penetrates deep into my heart.

Del Cano 2004 November





Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my journal. I'm really glad I came over here to take a peak. Your poetry is provoking and beautiful. I always love finding a diamond out here in journal land and hope you continue with your entries. Take care, go cast a line!

Anonymous said...

Lovingly beautiful....a dreamy feel....this is the best part of you!
