Sunday, September 26, 2004

Wishing You Were Here

My eyes span these halls
emptiness echos thru out
I feel a rage of emotions
including a need to pout.

The Queen of Write
not around the Hall
even my quiet whispers
bounce gainst the wall.

I want to rant
then strongly rage
point out the folly
I'll never come of age.

I ride the memories
am carried to a cloud
I do wear her cloak
words whispered loud.

I keep feeling like
oh, to hell with it all
she so easily shook
the stones in the wall.

There will ever remain
vibrations deep and still
Poet Lady's influence
dancing tingling will.

But I shall be staunch
in her recall; not bent
like the essence of a rose
with its lingering scent.

She will remain here
deep within my soul
like a sky full of stars
twinkling, ever bold.

Forgive my ramble
I beg thou pardon
shall remember her fondly
writing in the garden.

I've got to add
no matter what you do
I pray only the best
be brought unto you.

Perhaps down the road
on a cloud or a star
I'll pass an angel
and know who you are.

Till then, I'll hide
every dribbling tear
deep within by heart
wishing you were here.

Del Cano 2004 September 22


Anonymous said...

thank you for your comment in my guest book Spencer.  to answer your question, only AOL, AIM (free aol instant messenger) and compuserve members can leave comments in aol journals.  even though it probaby appears to be odd, aol set it up that way so that we can "block" screen names from commenting.
best of luck with your journal !!

Anonymous said...

Maybe your Queen of Write will hear and understand...A haunting write this is, full of yearning and sorrow.  Felt it, big boy, felt it deep....
