after a tiresome day of work
brushed aside all the events
ah, to sleep away the quirk.
In the middle of pleasantness
sweet dreams feeling so real
felt the faintest touch and voice
at first, startled me to a squeal.
My eyes opened to a fog
a shadowry figure in a blur
cloaked in a gown of silk
unbelievable, could it be her.
My confusion continued
I couldn't tell if it were true
my dream was coming alive
could it really be, actually you.
The edges of pleasure
tossed questions aside
The whisper of a voice said,
"peace, we're going for a ride.
Must have dozed back a bit
for the scene was real to a tee
felt in sensual heaven, touchings
goodness, how she fondled me.
Decided, to hell with reality
I'll enjoy this midnight rift
I wallowed in the ecstacy
of this loving sensuous gift.
Felt the softest of a rustle
she mounted me like horse
Needed to scream and shout
but found I had no voice.
"Shhhh" she said to me,
"just hold on real tight
we're gonna swim and sail
I'll wear you out tonight."
Now, I ask all of you
what is a fella to do then
In the middle of a dream
becomes live like the wind.
A slow start turned to bucking
breathing, to powerful panting
wildly touching skin and folds
a mighty scene of passion ranting.
Seems like forever passed
the riding went on and on
made me feel wonderful
like a new day Don Juan.
Then as suddenly as she came
she faded into shadow's bliss
As she neared the door
she winked and blew me a kiss.
I slepted in peace and quiet
floating in my euphoric state
drifting in and out of reality
body spent from total satiate.
I awoke, replayed the scene
startled by a sighted ilk
there hanging on the bed post
a pair of Black Boxers, of silk.
Could it be. Might it have been
That lady I so love to peep
Damn the day. I'm going back to bed
try to recover the dream in my sleep.
Del Cano 2004 September
MMMMmmmmm....she must one helluva muse that lady....awesome silk boxers, eh? Spencer, if I were you I wouldn't let that one get away! ;)
I certainly am gonna try to not let her get away. Thanks for all your support.
she has touched you deeply, dear spence ...
i do so revel in your writes ... so beautiful!
"I slepted in peace and quiet
floating in my euphoric state
drifting in and out of reality
body spent from total satiate."
A dream so real
it must be true
oh my Darling how
I envy you!
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