twas no softer than the floor.
Found no difference at head or foot
for my body felt it a pure bore.
I blew a dust ball across the floor
and watched it slide along the wall.
Counted scars on the steel door.
Then watched a paint chip fall.
I noticed a roach crawling by
thought it might ignore me also;
to the movement of my feet-wasn't shy
just proceeded on to where he would go.
He stopped near where I had blown
and sat by the dust ball.
Looked at me as if it had known
that I had blown it along the wall.
After hours of quiet filled the air
the bug seemed to get lonely too.
It helped break my silent stares
when it crawled and sat by my shoe.
As I moved my foot just a bit
it crawled back over near the wall.
I smiled when I noticed where it sit;
right back near our dust ball.
I didn't want to believe it to be
it wanted to play with the dust ball.
When a breath of air came from me
he followed it along the wall.
I sat in a solitary stare
thinking of what I just saw
but in solitary confinement...all's fair
though seems a mental flaw.
So....why not? Whose to tell?
Even if it's not how it should be.
We had fun in that tiny little cell
Del Cano
*Smiles* You never seem to amaze me at the avenues your exquisite mind takes.... Ah, a man and his pet sharing the joys of a dust ball..... LOL! Fun write!
tooo key-ute!! ya got me laughin'!! it's amazing
what a little bit of boredom can do to a person, cockroach
or dustball, 'eh? lol don't need a vid, you captured
this just fine, spence!! luv it (though it's not the 1st time
i read it ;) )
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