Monday, January 7, 2008

My Give A Damn Is Gone

She tried so hard to change
stop what the world knew to be wrong
but when she turned to me
my give a damn had already gone.
Years ago I did really care
she had no feelings of remorse
Most of what I now remember
she had a very lying voice.
She mistreated everyone
took for granted loving emotions
left a trail of bleeding hearts
drowning in her magic potions.
For the last few years
she stops by annually as a show 
but never seems to grasp
my give a damn was long ago.
She has made a lark of life
moving all across the nation.
Home was anyplace her head lay
with not one permanent station.
For one brief moment, she seeks
my compassion for all she loss.
Never able to soak in the tragedy
and all the deep pains she cost.
I don't even have the emotions
always feel like a sun dried bone.
When she comes around pleading
tell her, my give a damn long gone.
Del Cano 2008 January


Anonymous said...

Good way to put it.  Don't we all wake up one day and see that it's gone.

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((Sir Spence))))))))))))))  Excellent as ever...glad to see you're still here.  I have a similar bone...interesting how Life passes the same type around. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

Very well voiced Spencer, you haven't lost your touch.  ;)  I have known people like this, and have experienced these feelings as well.  It was nice to read you again.  ;)


Anonymous said...

I know this was written in frustration...
But I think it is oh, so, neat
Sometimes we all reach the point
Our give a damn is gone!