When the phone rings I jump
knowing my nerves are on edge.
Everything so stiff and tight
like hanging out on a ledge.
Hoping for word of her
praying the next ring is it.
Pacing the floor nervously
I walk in circles, can't quit.
I feel like crap warmed over
lower than a hole in the dirt.
I eat but it comes back up
can only feel pain and hurt.
Judy is a mess as well
trying to get her settled down.
Together we're like a circus
tears flowing like sad clowns.
No news aint good news
I only hope she's safe.
Begging the heavens they
don't treat her as a waif.
Let her come back home
missing her more than I knew.
Had no idea the total drain
she's like an entire love crew.
I hate and love the phone to ring
nerves shot, body on edge
I'll just keep trying to find her
this is my heart felt pledge.
Del Cano 2007 June
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