Did I hear you right?
Did you tell me I am missed
Did I hear you needed a greeting
starting off with a kiss?
Did I truly feel your whisper
the one that tickles my ear?
Is that the sound I heard
which I needed to hear.
Much time and distance
one hell of a long bit of space.
Tho snow and hillsides separate
still, I can see your face.
I reach for my toothbrush
part of my hygienic task.
Visions of you dangling
they always seem to last.
Did our words meet half way
thoughts mingling in the wind.
Let me tell you, I love you
and miss you, my friend.
Del Cano 2007 February
Hello....I have to say that this is a beautiful poem. I haven't heard from you in a while and I have missed you. I am still here my dear friend. Do take care.
Sure do miss you. Hope you are ok. I miss the magic words of your poetry.
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