Monday, June 19, 2006

Yearning Ache

The power of the yearn
comes thru as a soft yell
yet due to the searing burn
its not very hard to tell.

I too share the aches
when I am left right here
crave her touch's quake
her kisses sloppy smear.

I am but a mold she cast
formed in the image of desire
love vapors rise to last
she sets my soul on fire.

Del Cano 2006 June


Anonymous said...

wonderful poem!
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

Spence, your words must truly come from some wonderous plain the rest of us know not about. You are a gift to us all, coming here and finding new entries creates that feeling only a kid at Christmas time feels when there's gifts abundant under the tree. Thank you for sharing your beautiful self with us all.

Anonymous said...

Ode to a Poet
He misses her
Who brought a well
Of Dyonessian Pleasure here;
She dreams, she sleeps;
She casts a spell

Earlier upon his return
She would rush
she would burn
she would (I'm told)
in his arm unfold A form of Bliss
This poet's
sure to miss

He misses her
The trace of Love's Big Tale
Winds and draws him near
and spins a song of sleep
and long hours
he Keeps...
He misses her

Anonymous said...

Well Spencer,
There is quite a yean in this poem.  And it really comes out strong and beautifull.  ah, the image of desire can not only be seen, but felt like a fire eating away ate the never ending desire and want.  Beautiful indeed.  Bless Always,  Rhonda

Anonymous said...

I was going to try to write a poem about your poem but I can't stop giggling.  "Kisses sloppy smear?" Well, I must say you are indeed realistic Spence! True, a yearn can be a burning experience; one must have sloppy kisses to quell the fire!!!
Lovely indeed!

Anonymous said...

Looking at your picture and loving your poetry.

Anonymous said...

Spense~I really love that photo; I wish I could enlarge it! The per usual, deeply stirring and romantic. Frustration is no fun; good thing emotions are such fleeting things...Blessings, Sass ;-)