Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Tarrying view

yoo hoo, always glad
to know you waved
its them sparkles
from you I save


I take a lingering peep
each morning at yo eyes
soak in all the joy
they so mesmerize

take a tarrying view
of your stunning face
deeply massaging me
with wanton grace

as I wallow intently
in shadows you cast
I'm dribbled in history
of your life's own past

spose I call you
my pedestal Queen
mounted high on the
angst you've seen

yet, thru all the yesterdays
you emerged just right
fully aware, loving, poetic
I savor your sight

Oh, dont mind me much
take this for what its worth
a man seeing a real woman
in the mist of his morning flirt

Del Cano 2005  July


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice Spencer.